G.A. Bondarev
The Crisis of Civilization

XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

The True Nature of Materialism

The history of the epoch of materialism is an important theme in itself. In it are united all the complex problems of modern times: the emergence of ‘I’- consciousness, the crisis of civilization, the crisis of knowledge, and even the problem of the end of history, as well as the transformations that are taking place on the level of meta-history. This latter theme will only be touched upon here insofar as it relates to the complex of questions indicated in the title of this book.

The complete incarnation of man in ‘I’-consciousness presupposes a mastery of the experience of sense reality, an understanding of the material universe in all its unquestionably grandiose variety of macro-and micro-world. But two serious dangers await any one who pursues this path of knowledge. On one hand the material world, beyond the boundaries of ‘I’-consciousness, presents – in the language of philosophy – an ‘otherness’ of the spiritual world, i.e. a non-being from the standpoint of real being. The world of ‘otherness’ maintains its unity within itself, since the higher worlds allow this as an opposition against itself – the world of the true God. This opposition, entirely justified in the sphere of the inorganic and partly also the organic world, gradually extended into the realm of ‘I’-consciousness, where not opposition, but unity with God is the task of development. On the other hand since the beginning of the epoch of the consciousness-soul, man to an ever-increasing degree is afforded the right to shun the guidance of higher powers and, supported by his own experience and his thinking, to determine, himself, the course of cultural-historical development of the whole of civilization.

In the epoch of materialism, particularly in the last 150 to 200 years, the Great Masters of Wisdom and the Harmony of Sentiments, also known as the White Brotherhood, have withdrawn to the East. (the word ‘East’ is used here in the sense of a ‘technical’ concept), and no longer have influence upon Western civilization (cf. Sept. 3, 1916, GA 170). (Representatives of Eastern occult streams in Europe say much about them, including much that is false, since they mistake them for a certain group of Luciferic initiates.) To help man, they bequeathed to him knowledge, knowledge of the spirit in the first place. But the materialistic attitude – Rudolf Steiner warns – is increasing and will continue to increase for four to five centuries. And those occult brotherhoods who advance the opinion that materialism is in decline only contribute to its further progress (cf. Nov. 18, 1917, GA 178). All that the mass-media present today as parapsychology, faith-healing, psychotronics, Ufology etc. has as its goal not a striving after the spirit, but the creation of a still more universal, all-encompassing, materialistic world-view into which one can mix all spiritual views that have existed, after they have been reinterpreted (and not rejected) in terms of endlessly refining energies that in their essence are nonetheless materialistic.

Spiritualists, Rudolf Steiner warns, should be clear that there are no means whereby materialism can be proved false. One cannot prove from the portrait that the original exists. Just as little can one prove on the basis of the material counterpart of the spiritual world that spirit exists. There is no refutation of materialism. There is only one way – to point to the will active in the quest for the spirit as such. One has to find the spirit quite independently from matter, but then one also finds it creatively active in the material world. But the spiritual can never be deduced through any description of, or logical inference from the material world, because in matter everything exists as a reflected image of what is in the spirit. The historic conflict between idealists and materialists cannot be resolved by way of demonstration, but only by way of power (May 5, 1923, GA 225). One might add – even through violence, to which Marxism resorted in the course of its social experiment.

The origins of the materialistic world-view lie in the far distant past (but not with the ancient Egyptians or with Heraclitus). The first significant impulse towards materialism came, in the 8th century, from that part of the world in which Caliph Haroun al Rashid (766?-809) had brought the Academy of Gondishapur to an especially high cultural flowering. Rudolf Steiner is the only one to have revealed the true meaning of this academy and its importance for the spiritual life of Europe. He said that at that time something grandiose – though not in the positive sense – happened to humanity. It happened at the time that humanity, which was subject to the impulse of Gondishapur, this new Persian impulse which brought back the Zarathustra impulse at the wrong time, that the whole of humanity, if I may put it so, if I may express myself trivially, was stricken with an inner deformity right down into its physical nature. Humanity received at that time an impulse that enters right into physicality, and which we continue to bring back with us at birth ... The illness was injected into humanity which, when it lives itself out, leads to the denial of the Father-God (Oct. 16, 1918, GA 182), i.e. to complete atheism.

When members of the Soviet secret police obtained this communication by Rudolf Steiner, in which he speaks of disbelief in the Father-God as an illness, they even felt insulted, as one of their articles shows. One can understand them for, after all, they were used to calling everyone who believed in God, sick, and they had never met anyone who would have questioned their own health of soul. But it is just as Rudolf Steiner says: disbelief in Christ means a great misfortune for the human soul, while disbelief in God reveals no less than an illness of soul and spirit. Only a sick human being becomes a real atheist.

The wise men of Gondishapur wanted to make man great and wise here on earth. But when they gave him earthly wisdom, it was their aim to have the soul partake of death, so that as it crossed the threshold of death it would lay aside the wish to participate in the life of the spiritual world and also in future incarnations. They wanted to conserve man in his earthly life, sever him from all development and prepare him for the Ahrimanic world.

Only the Mystery of Golgatha saves the human being from this relationship with death. But in order to prevent men from recognizing this, Lucifer lent his help to the Ahrimanic intention. The Catholic Church, – so we learn from Rudolf Steiner – which stood very strongly under what remained of the impulse of the Academy of Gondishapur, decreed dogmatically at the Universal Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 869 that one is not to believe in the spirit – because it did not want to enlighten about the Mystery of Golgatha, but to spread darkness over the Mystery of Golgatha (ibid.).

It is of interest to know in how complicated a way the preparation of the materialistic conception took place, by means of which a very concrete caste of initiates hopes to thrust cultivated humanity into barbarism in order to rule over it without difficulty. Already in the 18th century an association of people was formed which still exists today. They know in advance what will enter the world in one or two centuries’ time, and already in the 18th century were preparing certain thoughts, certain views that are insinuated into human souls and become active forces in the realm of what such societies want, and then enter
social life, determining how people behave towards each other. The people concerned do not know where the things come from, that live in their emotions, their feelings and their impulses of will. But those who understand the principles of development know how to conjure forth these impulses and emotions (Oct. 20, 1917, GA 177). People in these circles worked on a book, for example, in which it was asked which part of the various animals belongs to the devil. And when Darwinism arose in the 19thcentury and people acquired the idea of man’s descent from animals, many had in their souls the idea that an animal – is the devil.

This method is applied everywhere today: in film, literature, advertising etc. It is called ‘allusions’ (a concept of our time). In the Soviet Union a special censorship committee existed whose task it was to check every cinema production for possible unplanned, foreign allusions. The Bolshevik insurrection was prepared with the help of allusions. A great master in their construction was N. A. Rubakin (1862-1946), known in the outer world as an amiable person, an intellectual, a connoisseur of literature, and bibliophile.[1]

When we have recognized the background of materialism we can observe the process of alienation and of the destruction of morals in the West from a somewhat different point of view. No Anthroposophist can be truly creative if he remains a creature of outer circumstances, not even when these are transposed into our own Anthroposophical midst. Hidden barbarism and the sting of materialism, with which we are born – these are the prerequisites each one of us carries within. The ordinary person of today – as a product of school education and of mass-culture – is implicitly the total destroyer in every sphere of activity. For this reason civilization in its present form is doomed to ruin and Anthroposophy bears within it the only hope for the salvation of the world, for it alone provides the means for the transformation of man himself. Therefore in those Anthroposophical associations where everything proceeds mechanically in ordered channels, and where compromises are made with the forces of death, Anthroposophy as such does not exist.

The secret forces that work with materialism know as a rule what signs are given by the times, what should rightfully take place on earth, and they allow more or less free rein to the rightful impulses in order then – as from an ambush – to distort, profane and divert them. The epoch of materialism was unavoidable. But this does not apply to the ethical consequences drawn on the basis of materialism, that have led to atheism and to the complete Ahrimanizing of man’s soul and spirit.

A detailed analysis of the way materialism is worked with in the secret societies in order to gain power and manipulate the destiny of the whole of mankind, would lead too far here. Therefore we will look at only two particularly important aspects: the role played by the English-speaking peoples in these manipulations, and ceremonial magic.

The secret occult societies who are preparing the incarnation of Ahriman intend to subject the entire earth to the rulership of materialism. And since according to the laws of the fifth post-Atlantean time certain elements of the British people – we already spoke of – are, as bearers of the consciousness-soul, most suited for this, they want to bring it about through grey magic, that these suitable elements are used as promoters of materialism ... Other elements of the population could never in the same way be useful as material for transforming the whole earth into a realm of materialism, no other nation, no other section of the people. Thus it is the aim of the occult brotherhoods to make the physical plane all-prevailing. And of a spiritual world one wants to speak only as an outcome of the revelations of the physical plane (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174).

The work is done from two sides. While on the one hand the strong tendency exists to scleroticise the human being Ahrimanically, an especially Jesuitic tendency,[2] on the other exists the decided tendency to place the Luciferic beings in the service of the materialistic world order, so that through materialism a Luciferic spirituality, a spiritualization will result, which is Luciferically oriented (Sept. 22, 1918, GA 184). We would like to add that there is no more profound thought than this, in that it unveils the nature of what in Russia today is called spiritual resurrection, but which is in reality the unleashed Luciferic spirituality which in the near future will be channelled entirely into the sphere of materialistic interpretation. We are standing at the threshold of a global materialistic view of life and the world, compared to which the most diehard dialectical materialism appears like child’s play. The entire Bible is already interpreted in the materialistic sense: Christ is declared a superman – the astronaut from another star; one attempts to understand his miracles through bioenergetics etc.

This is the latest phase of what has long been prepared. Rome works towards the new doctrine with dogmas; for example, the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope or the bodily ascension of Mary. Working from the other side, while taking Rome into account, there is an occult center that has a strong influence on the English-speaking people ... The occult Freemasonry, that is anchored in this center and has great influence on the course of the outer culture of the entire civilized world, promotes materialism in the same way – i.e. with a conscious penetration of things – as Rome ... has promoted it. Through the doctrine of infallibility (and the bodily ascension) Rome wanted to erect a dam against the inflow of spiritual truths from the spiritual world. The center we speak of promotes consciously the spread of materialism in the modern cultural world ... and the strange thing about this phenomenon is that, as a rule, when the Anglo-American initiates ... grumble about Rome, they are right in what they say. Exactly the same applies to Rome when it complains about this center, about occult Freemasonry (ibid.).

Thus the work is done from two sides. The occult laws are heeded on both sides, and each tells the truth about the other. The human being is tossed, now to the Ahrimanic, now to the Luciferic side and is unable to grasp anything be- cause: he sees that truth is spoken everywhere! And woe betide anyone who tries to explain the principles (or lack of principles) in this game. He is met by a wave of hostility and hatred. Nevertheless, actions of this kind must never be tolerated, especially not in Russia:  for there will connect itself to the materialism that lives itself out in the industrial-commercial impulse, that which is being driven ever deeper into materialism out of other retarded impulses – the Chinese-Japanese, particularly the Japanese element.

When Rudolf Steiner said this, he was asked whether the secret societies did not consider that the Japanese were advancing from the East. His reply was: Yes, the people who belong to these societies do not regard it as something bad , but ... as a support for materialism. For, what is coming over from Asia will be a quite special form of materialism (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174).

In view of this, the mission of Roerich in Russia will also be seen quite differently; his glorification of ‘Mahatma Lenin’, the statements in favour of materialism (in his book The Community), according to which even Buddhism is supposed to be a materialistic teaching etc. And today a ‘Roerichian’ has been appointed Culture Minister and, without any knowledge of the subject, inveighs perfidiously against Anthroposophy.

The picture becomes especially clear when we bring the invasion of the Gurus from East to West in relation to what in the Far West resonates in the occult novels of Carlos Castaneda and wins enormous popularity. All this is woven into the fabric of a universal occult-materialistic teaching – an ideology that is destined to regulate all relations in the future evil race of human beings when, as Rudolf Steiner says, all will be fettered together by a chain and no-one will experience joy. The struggle today has therefore to do not with matters of taste, but with the fate of humanity.

Magical Materialism and Power

Materialism in our time is already taking on the character of the sub-natural. It is not materialistic science that is growing in strength, but the magic of materialism, the occult manipulations with electricity and magnetism. It is the aim of certain occult brotherhoods to over-materialize materialism in a special way. One of these brotherhoods, Rudolf Steiner tells us, which is very widespread in the West and again appears in many different varieties, embraces organizations that enact ceremonial magic, in fact, ceremonial magic of the worst kind. Through it a certain influence is exerted in these brotherhoods on the physical body of their own members. The cerebrum, the ganglion system is influenced through certain magical acts. It is in this way that the spiritual world gains influence on people who take part in such ceremonial procedures. This means that a possibility is created for the dead, in addition to other spirits, to affect those who are woven into such a ring created by ceremonial magic. This is how in our time materialism can be as it were over-materialized.

Imagine that a person is altogether materialistically inclined, not just in his world-outlook, but also in relation to his whole sentient life, his life of feeling, and there are enormously many such people in the West. This materialistic attitude now intensifies to a high degree. This person will then have the urge, not only to exert an influence on the material world so long as he is living in the physical body, but even beyond death ... In our time there are already people whose materialistic drive is so strong that they strive to acquire the means that will enable them to exert an influence in the material world after death ... these are centers of a certain ceremonial magic.

We are speaking here of something that has tremendously wide implications. For just imagine that a number of people are brought together to form a certain brotherhood. These people know at the moment: others have gone before us, who have developed such strong thoughts of the power to dominate others, that a lifetime was not enough to realize them ... For them we will create a circle and through what we do, through the acts of ceremonial magic we perform, they will work into our bodies. We will gain stronger power than we now have; when we come face to face with other, weaker people from outside such societies, we will be able to exercise a certain heightened magical power over them. When we utter a word, when we deliver a speech, then these dead souls will be working through us, because we are prepared through having been entwined in the rituals of ceremonial magic.

There is a great difference whether a person, let us say, is standing honestly, simply in the cultural processes of our time and ... holds a parliamentary speech ... or whether a person is involved in circles of ceremonial magic, is thereby strengthened with the power-impulses of certain dead souls and now with these impulses holds the parliamentary speech or writes the newspaper article (Jan. 20, 1917, GA 174).

A person who becomes entangled in these manipulations attains ‘immortality’, as it were. But it is of a purely Ahrimanic nature and the price paid is renunciation of spiritual evolution and separation from it, leading ultimately to the complete dissolution of the human monad in the sphere of sub-natural forces. But one who has already started out on this path will no longer listen to explanations. However, the actions of such people are, at the same time, in the highest degree harmful for all of humanity. Rudolf Steiner indicates that there are already a large number of them in the West. But in his words do we not also find the hidden meaning of all that is taking place in the East, for instance the meaning of the mummification of the corpses of the heads of state in the countries of the so-called ‘socialist camp’? Could it not be that these mummies indicate the scene of operation of the occult Lodges where ceremonial magic of the worst kind is practised? Let us ask the following question: What does the cemetery in Red Square in Moscow actually represent? What is contained in those ritualistic, regularly-recurring popular festivals before the tomb of the mummy in which, as we learn from the technical literature, the cells retain their natural moisture-content, something not even the ancient Egyptians with their occult science were able to achieve? Was it not perhaps the ‘eternal’ Politburo-Brotherhood with the ‘eternal’ General Secretary at its head, that assembled in Red Square, where some of the members rest in urns in the Kremlin Wall, while the others, the so-called living, appeared before the eyes of millions from out of the tomb (through the doorway of the Mausoleum)[3 a few times a year, in order, standing on top of the tomb, to reap the fruits of the general fanaticism that had been skillfully arranged in the Square – the temple of Idols? This is the reason why even in the epoch of ‘liberalization’ the mummy is not removed from the Square. An especially infernal power[4] is concealed within it, which is sorely needed by the forces of both the Left and the Right.[5]  They were no empty words that were instilled into us:

Lenin is still today
more alive than all the living!

Yes, so it was and so it is today: The power of the dead governs the actions of those who carry forward their cause on earth. And it is utterly foolish to say that some are better than the others. The murder of ‘one’s own’ people also had an occult meaning. Before his execution Marshal Tuchatchevsky called out (voluntarily) in the face of death: Long live Stalin![6]  Indeed, something of the rituals of the old Incas, of their ritual murders, found its way into the ritual magic of the ‘Bolsheviks’ and this is what made this terrible phenomenon so unshakeable.[7]  Its ‘founders’ – Lenin, Trotsky, Lenin’s female partner, and other ‘comrades’ such as the millionaire Helphand, nicknamed Parvus (‘the small’) – were pupils of the Western brotherhoods, where they were introduced into the circle of ceremonial magic: Trotsky in America, Lenin in Zurich. Without an understanding of these facts, whatever one might say about the origins of Bolshevik power is no more than superficial chatter ideally suited to conceal the true state of affairs.

A very special kind of human being is created with the help of ceremonial magic, because it has nothing to do with either bribery or the striving for power. No, an answer is offered to the question of the meaning of existence as a whole. Hope for Ahrimanic immortality, Rudolf Steiner tells us, lives today in more people than you might think. The thought of assuring an Ahrimanic immortality for oneself ... which consists in being active not only as a single individual, but in acting through the instrument of such a ... society. Such societies exist in the most varied forms, and people of certain degrees within them know: through such a society, together with the forces which I would otherwise have to give up at death, I become to a certain degree immortal, they are active beyond my death. Through what these people experience in the ceremonial magic they are, admittedly, stupefied to such an extent that they are no longer disturbed by the thought that would of necessity arise before the soul of one who takes these things in real earnestness and with true dignity. For in the same measure as one grows in immortal mortality ... in Ahrimanic immortality, so does one lose consciousness of the other, the true, genuine immortality. But materialism has taken hold of many souls in our time to such an extent that they are not deterred, they are stupefied and indeed strive for Ahrimanic immortality. Such societies are, as a rule, so organized that the ceremonial magic is intended to work particularly on the unsuspecting, on those who have a certain need to come into relation with the spiritual world through all kinds of symbolic acts. There are many such people (obviously the ones who regard themselves as the regular Freemasons, devoted to the spiritual quest). ... Those who want to attain this goal are truly not of the worst kind. Such people are now received into the circle of ceremonial magic, and then a small number gather together, who actually only ... make use of the others as their instruments (Jan. 20, 1917, GA 174) In this way one tries to gain power in the realm of the dead and obtains Ahrimanic reinforcement; one gains access to the retarded spirits of the Egyptian-Chaldean epoch, to its retarded angels. Therefore such societies strive to carry remnants of the third cultural epoch into social life.

Hence, when the communist dictatorships resort to the ceremony of mummification of the dead, it quite clearly has nothing in common with socialism. The origins of their ‘socialism’ lie in the ancient imperial realms of the Incas and Aztecs with their black-magical mysteries of ritual murder. All these things exist in the West as well; but for the present they are still hidden behind the mask of parliamentarianism, free elections etc.

Regarding those who bring about ceremonial magic, the masters of the Lodges, they are – as Rudolf Steiner remarks – definitely not so naive as to believe in simple matter (as little as N. Roerich did, for example). But they want to fetter to the Lodges after their death as many as possible of those who have gone through them, so as to extend the power of the occult association. Thus the brotherhoods create (as did the priests in ancient Egypt) a clientele of souls of the dead, who remain in the sphere of the earth and are thereby robbed of the possibility of passing through a higher spiritual evolution. For the attainment of this end, the general, inactive members of the brotherhood are presented the theory of the higher nature-forces, of magnetism, electricity, which are declared to be the basis for man’s psychical activity. You see, Rudolf Steiner continues, it is a higher materialism: it is a materialism that not only denies the spirit but wants to force the spirit down into matter ... There you have the beginning of something that will intensify more and more over the next five centuries. The evil brotherhoods have limited themselves to this time-span;[8]  but they will continue if nothing is done to prevent them. They can only be prevented if complacency towards the spiritual-scientific world-view is overcome (Nov. 18, 1917, GA 178).

When reading this, it is difficult not to relate them immediately to Soviet reality. For all of them – dozens of those who bear the main guilt for the crimes of Bolshevism, and who lie buried in Red Square, are indeed here, they are bound to the materialistic occult community and there is no way of escape. The pressing question arises: Are those who stand behind the scenes of Perestroika – basically just the same kind of participants in ceremonial magic – willing and able to destroy the magic circle? And the new ideology? Today we see under the badge of spiritual freedom the establishment of what is literally the ‘highest materialism’, which no longer denies the spirit, but ‘enslaves’ it. When this is once recognized, it is easy to understand what is to be expected in Russia in the near future.

Where the Anthroposophical movement is concerned passivity has become the general rule. We must startle the slumberers out of their sleep with no compunction. And those in our circles who – as the saying goes – go for the throat of Anthroposophy: the dark masters, the inspirators who remain in the background, those who circulate lies; all these need to be put into their place. Let us not understate the magnitude of the problem: the destiny of humanity hangs in the balance. No price is too high.

The Methods of Magical Materialism

We have neither the factual basis nor the right to entertain false hopes with regard to the aims of the Orders, brotherhoods and Lodges that have fallen into the most extreme atavism. Their high-degree Masters know no less than we that Christ is God and that everything written in the Gospels is true. But they say to themselves: We no longer want as our leader the Christ, who is the leader through this normal world; we want a different leader, we want to be in opposition to this normal world. Such people, trained by means of ceremonial magic, receive the idea that this world of Ahrimanic forces is actually a much stronger spiritual world (than the world of Christ). That, above all, they can continue what they have acquired here in physical life, that they can make immortal the material experiences of physical life (Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174).

The masters of Ahrimanic immortality pursue their aims in various ways. Here we may point to Mrs. Besant’s attempt to declare Krishnamurti the reincarnated Christ. (Several dozen false messiahs exist today; interviews with them are held on Moscow Television.) The dogmas of Papal infallibility and the bodily ascension of Mary present another way. From the standpoint of the first Church fathers these dogmas are an open blasphemy. But in certain occult circles one knows very well that they are an immensely effective means to awaken anti-Christian faith and divert people from the normal Christian path of development.

A third way is to alter the relation between national and individual. Christ – says Rudolf Steiner – died for the individual human being. We must regard this as something that belongs very essentially to the Mystery of Golgatha. The Christ has an important deed to accomplish in the fifth ... but also in the sixth post Atlantean period: namely here on earth to become a helper (for human beings) to overcome, to finally overcome all that arises from the national principle (ibid.). The said Brotherhoods, in their fight against Christ, proclaim the principle of national self-determination. This is basically the work of Ahriman himself, who, as Rudolf Steiner tells us, was incorporated (not completely incarnated or a mere inspirator, but representing the human ‘I’, displacing it) in Woodrow Wilson.

All that has taken place in recent years in the former Soviet Union, in the Caucasus and the former Yugoslavia is the direct continuation of the 14-point program of Wilson. Not only nations, even small national groups shut themselves off in their national egoism, and in this way a wall is erected to hinder the approach of the next, the Slavic-Germanic, cultural epoch. At the same time the development of the consciousness-soul is paralyzed.

The increasingly violent racial mixing of the European peoples is proving to be the new destructive factor for the culture of the consciousness-soul – the second ‘dagger’-point in Wilson’s politics of the self-determination of nations. The racial principle will one day be overcome; but in the present ‘outcry’ against racism there is not the slightest indication of a true interest in upholding the rights of the personality, only the intention to anticipate the future, so that its healthy, normal approach is made impossible. The same purpose is served by the whipping-up of real racism: the doctrines of racial superiority and the attempts to put them into practice. Both represent the impulses of Gondishapur coming to life again in ever new variations.

An especially effective means whereby direct magical influence is exercised in the world by the Ahrimanic brotherhoods is the spreading of lies that are virtually identical with the truth. Most Anthroposophists, too, are powerless against this. People are very willing to swim with the stream of propaganda that has been thoroughly instilled into them by the mass-media, and of opinions, ideas and judgments that have become habitual. Because these have already found entrance into the ether-body, people are indignant, furious even, when facts are presented, which expose lies that have already become a part of themselves.

We will now speak of the press and the mass-media. Rudolf Steiner describes them as black magic and tells of the existence of a whole range of editorial offices (the overwhelming majority today), which have ‘two doors’: the usual one and the ‘sliding door’, through which one has access to the occult brotherhoods (cf. Dec. 26, 1916, GA 173). In these one is aware of the great occult force that lies hidden in the false ideas in which people believe. Thus in the case of a great deal that is published today the question is not so much, what the author wants to express, but who pays for the one or the other opinion? (Cf. Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174.) But by now the Adversary of humanity has grown so subtle in his approach that he openly quotes Rudolf Steiner. Soviet ideologists evaluated all Western publications according to this same principle. But they did this, while they themselves were thoroughly deceitful, paid servants of the ruling ideology in which they did not believe. This is how complex the technique of the lie has become.

A direct lie is rare today. Mostly one lies with various false facts and corresponding ideas. It can also happen that a lie is mendaciously refuted by means of a lie. How can the individual still find his way? Whom can we believe – whom can we trust? If things are going to develop in this way everywhere, one could sink into despair. A way out of this situation is found only if one begins to experience the problem of the universal crisis as a truly serious one. Only in the broad perspective is its highest significance. This lies in the fact that at the time of the greatest opposition Christianity will have to develop its greatest strength. In the resistance that has to be developed against the abolition of the soul the strength to know the spirit again will also be found (Mar. 27, 1917, GA 175).

The Mystery of Golgatha is also the impulse of world healing against the materialization of the soul. The way of Christ Himself lies entirely outside the will and the intentions of men. Thus no man, however great his knowledge, nor even any Initiate, has influence over what is done by the Christ in the course of the 20th century, leading to his reappearance. Christ will be present as an etheric being in the earthly sphere. And for human beings it is important how they meet the Christ. No-one, not even the mightiest Initiate, has any influence whatever on the reappearance of the Christ. It is coming, Rudolf Steiner affirms, I ask you to remember this. But one can make preparations so that the Christ-event is received in this or that way, that the Christ-event has this or that effect (Nov. 18, 1917, GA 178).

The brotherhoods do everything in their power to ensure that the Christ passes by unnoticed in the 20th century, that human beings do not recognize His coming as an etheric individuality (Ibid.). To this end world wars and revolutions are unleashed, financial crises created, Wilsonianism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Hitlerism, Stalinism and a multitude of other ‘isms’ arise, right up to the various trends of mass-culture. They emerge in our century, for the natural development of cultural, spiritual and historical life has been forcibly interrupted. It has happened for the first time, but people did not want to see this. The mighty occult-political forces had as the purpose of their activity ... to conquer the sphere of influence that is to come through Christ in the 20th century and beyond, for another being, who has never appeared in the flesh at any time ... All those procedures ... with the dead and so on, ultimately serve such aims: to divert the mind of men away from the Christ who went through the Mystery of Golgatha and to hand over ... the rulership of the earth to another individuality (Ahriman). This is a very real battle ... relating to the intention to install another being in the place of the Christ-being in the course of humanity’s development, for the remainder of the fifth post-Atlantean period, and for the sixth and seventh.

... It will be the task of a healthy, an honest spiritual development to eliminate, to do away with, such strivings that are in the most literal sense anti-Christian. But only clear insight can achieve anything, because the other being whom these brotherhoods wish to make ruler ... they will call him the ‘Christ’ ... Yes, people who observe life only on the surface, especially the outer discussions about Christ and the Jesus-question and so on, do not look into the depths. It is a fog, it is a smokescreen that is conjured up before people’s eyes, just in order to distract them ... from the truth of the situation (Ibid.).[9 Modern prophets, such as Billy Graham, attract thousands of listeners and do little more than make jokes on the subject of Christ and unleash the phenomenon of ‘simplification of the spirit’, usually with elements of mass-suggestion. Nor does it look well with speeches about Christ in the Anthroposophical Society. Here too, not everyone who utters this name is a servant of Christ. People speculate without scruple for the sake of momentary advantage, of building up their prestige, for the sake of disguise, or for quite other reasons, about the most sacred things. Our dozing along in the branches of the Society and the blind allegiance with which we follow those who seize positions of power in our movement can in no way protect us from enslavement by our adversary.

In our dealings with people – from within our circle as well – we can always observe at least two things: First, that those who today are spoiled, ruined by certain occult brotherhoods, ... are in a way those whom it has hardly any sense whatever to speak to (Nov. 26, 1916, GA 172); and secondly, that today we suffer from the selection of the worst, who always rise to the top. This too is something that belongs to a healthy sense of reality and thus also to healthy common-sense: to realize this fact of the selection of the worst (Nov. 24, 1918, GA 185a).


From 1907 he lived, like Lenin, in Switzerland. From 1930 (during the time of darkest Stalinism) he received a pension from the Soviet government. He was buried in Moscow.

A further example to clarify the concept of Allusion. When we had read Issue No. 32 of the Flensburger Hefte we were firmly convinced that its title was Anthroposophy and National Socialism. We were very surprised to discover later that it read: The Anthroposophists and National Socialism. But all this became clear when Issue No. 41 appeared under the heading: Anthroposophy and Racism. What do we mean by this? – That we had not been mistaken when reading Issue No. 32, because even there Anthroposophy was meant and not just individual Anthroposophists. Only at the time they did not yet dare to openly admit this. They still feared that a wave of indignation could arise, so the word Anthroposophy was encoded on the level of the unconscious and the journal and its contents designed in such a way that the eye saw one thing but the soul perceived another. Having satisfied themselves that there was no indignation, they decided to come forward openly. As a preparatory step Issue No. 40 had already been published under the title Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia. The word Anthroposophy did not appear at all, but everyone knows that this is a product of the Anthroposophical press. We think it need not be stressed that the xenophobic violence in Germany should be thoroughly condemned, yet something else is important in this connection. Just look at the photographs that appeared in this issue, especially on pp. 49 and 53 – they can mean all kinds of things, one could put any caption whatever underneath them. In the context of the Flensburger Hefte, however, they work as Allusions. It is deeply regrettable that the human beings who have taken upon themselves the task of standing wakefully in the present, should leave their unconscious unguarded and, just like any other person of today, expose themselves to the suggestive influences. – Compare:

No. 32: Anthroposophists and National Socialism
No. 40: National Socialism, Racism, Xenophobia
No. 41: Anthropo
sophy and Racism

This is the way an Allusion is built up!

Our aim in bringing forward the phenomena described here is, as we mentioned above, to illustrate the appearance of the Asuric spirits of darkness who determine the complex interplay between the Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces. The Luciferic for example can appear in Jesuitism as Ahrimanic etc. These questions do not permit a simplification but require thorough study.

An underground passageway probably leads from the Kremlin into the Mausoleum.

In the ’70’s and ’80’s it had been made a general custom to accompany newly-weds straight after the wedding ceremony to the Mausoleum, where they were allowed special entrance to the mummy (since there is always a long queue). Moscovites exchanged the sinister joke: The medieval right of the lord to the first night with the bride had been re-introduced.

Imagine what the souls of the yet unborn children, already hovering above the heads of the parents, live through in this popularized form of ritual magic, what kind of shock this means for the souls before their entrance into the earthly sphere.

On May 9, 1995 all the ‘democratic’ and ‘liberal’ leaders in Moscow who are now constructing capitalism instead of the former socialism, ‘crept up’ onto the tomb to review the parade.

What else was a person to call out, who used poison-gas against the peasants during the suppression of the revolt in the government district of Tambov? Today one tries to present him as a Eurasian, a fighter for the true interests of Russia.

In Western Europe it is debated whether the Incas and Aztecs really did make human sacrifices and carry out ritual murders, or whether this was merely propaganda invented by e.g. the old Spaniards to discredit the original population of America. Like much else, this question is part of the intensifying ideological battle at the end of the 20th Century. The discussion is interesting insofar as it can show how superficial and lacking in perspective the Exoteric science remains, which does not consider the spiritual foundations of life, and knowledge of the historical and social reality.

The culture in old America was (and this is quite natural) no less tragic and contradictory than the culture of the old and the new Europe. Various mysteries existed there. In some of them gruesome ritual murders were indeed carried out on human beings. The entire social life in the spheres where black magicians of these kinds of mysteries (of Taotl) ruled was terrible, and recalls some of the dictatorships of the 20th Century. But there existed at the same time the mysteries of the good, light-filled gods (of Tezkatlipoka) who resisted the black-magical mysteries of evil, fought against them and thus prepared the American continent for the acceptance of Christ. The interested reader can find an unusually telling description of the Mysteries of early America in Rudolf Steiner’s lecture of September 18, 1916 (GA 171).

Even this is very long. Five centuries of what we have had for 70 years?! The ills will increase, since evil develops ever further.

This theme must be examined further from the standpoint of the experiences of our time. There is, for example, a statement by Rudolf Steiner that throws light on the question of the so-called ‘anomalies’, and explains what path technology will take. Rudolf Steiner says: The side that will want to install the Antichrist as Christ tries to exploit what in particular can take effect through the most material forces, but ...spiritually. Electricity and especially earth magnetism (particularly strong in America) are used to bring about effects over the entire earth. I showed you how the forces of the earth ascend in what I call the human double ... It will be an American secret to apply earth magnetism in its double aspect, in North- and South-magnetism, in order to send directing forces, acting spiritually, over the earth ... Spiritual beings are constantly active from a certain compass direction; one needs (according to the Brotherhoods) only to place these spiritual beings into the service of earthly existence. Because these spiritual beings, active from out of the cosmos, can transmit this secret of earth magnetism, one will be able to acquire knowledge of earth magnetism and effect much that is of significance for group-egoism, with regard to three things: gold, health and longevity. It will be a matter of summoning the doubtful courage needed for these things. The courage will be found in certain circles to counteract this influence! It is the task of healthy science to detect certain forces that come to earth from the cosmos, from Pisces-Virgo (horizontal). Dark science is oriented to Sagittarius-Twins (vertical) and places these forces in the service of the double (cf. Nov. 25, 1917, GA 178).

The questions of parapsychology, of the ‘psi-weapon’, ‘Ufology’ – can all be referred to the statements of Rudolf Steiner quoted above. But how many Anthroposophists are able and willing to think them through from this aspect? – When all of this has to do with the reappearance of Christ.

At all costs something must be done in our Society and movement to ensure that the best people come to the top.

Chapter 10 Contents
Chapter 12