Not to forget the concept of
the military industrial complex. The evidence is lying on every battlefield
this planet has endured for at least the last 150 years. Don't like their
politics, maybe you need a war to convince you of who your friends are,
or aren't. Does the common man ever decide to go to war with his neighbor.
No. Read the history books. Most of the time, the common man throughout
history has chosen to go to war with his masters. We call it revolution.
The masters eventually figured out it was better to divide their servants
idealogically and encourage them to fight amongst themselves, to vent their
frustration with the conditions of their lives on each other, not the Masters.
Conditions created by their masters. Case in point, Saddam Hussein.
Why is Saddam Hussein still in power when so many of his soldiers and military
was decimated in Dessert Storm? Because at a point in the not to
distant past, the western military complex taught Saddam and his generals
everything they know, and sold him the weapons of mass destruction they
claim he has. The payoff, his military has miraculously been replaced with
newer better equipment, and his core military units are even stronger than
they were before. He allowed his conscripts to be killed because they weren't
important to him anymore. Wanna reduce unemployment, have a war. Those
who survive, or escape having to go, will be eternally grateful for staying
alive. Even though the guilt of their egos will motivate them to brag about
what they would have did if they had went. Saving people from suffering
makes them grateful and thankful. How could you do that without the wonderful
stimulation of war. The fact is the puppet masters frequently use war to
scare us into being grateful. They use nuclear weapons to scare us to death.
Which do you fear the most, total annihilation, or the karma you'll reap
for selling your soul for such a cheap price like fear?
The WTO is nothing more than
the further progression of Empire for the corporate military industrial
complex. We would naturally create trade with our neighbors if there weren't
so many fences and soldiers in our way. If we didn't have the puppet masters
corrupting us with false ideologies, pitting us against each other like
dogs in a pit. Creating reality's of false depravity to get us to sell
our souls for prosperity. If we give in, the future of OUR planet is doomed.
The more we give in the less our children understand there is a threat.
We are made to teach them to adjust to the lives we have succumbed to.
They in turn teach their children. The prospect of resistance is reduced
with each succeeding generation that taught to give in. Every layer of
illusion we permit to hide the truth, moves the truth further from our
grasp. To get to the heart of the matter. The wages of sin is death. The
only real sin is that of selling your soul. It is the only thing that travels
with you from life to life. Your stuff turns to dust, along with your memory,
but once sold, your soul will spend an eternity in hell. The choice is
Really, what is a consumer? Somewhere between
the Korean War and the late 1980's we were no longer considered
American citizens. We evolved to a new level of description. We became
consumers. We are the people who buy the products, or are we. It has been
my personal experience of late that I have less to say about how and where
I spend my money. Have you noticed this new phenomena? I buy something
I'm not completely pleased with and the next thing I know I'm on the other
side of a legal document, stating my rights in relation to the contract
I agreed to in purchasing the product. Did you understand that. It confused
me the first few times, now I just don't spend money. I think I am going
to find a lawyer to draw up a contract that I will give to every potential
supplier of my needs. And if they don't agree to my terms I will not do
business with them. Sounds crazy, maybe a little cynical? I think not.
You go out spend $700 for a new stove, the plastic knobs to control the
burners break in about a year from daily use, you go to get replacements
and find out you have to pay $23 for ONE plastic knob, that will inevitably
break again. Think I'm exaggerating, buy GE, see for yourself. I go to
setup my internet services (with NETWORK SOLUTIONS), they mistakenly make
a second withdrawal from my checking account. Upon confronting them on
the subject, they claim they did not do it, they have no accounting dept.,
its all done automatically, they have no supervisory staff to deal with
me directly, instead they inform me that their company policy states it
will take at least four to six weeks for them to investigate the matter
and get back to me. All this in less than twenty-four hours after they've
made the withdrawal. Suddenly I'm reminded of their terms for doing business.
Sound frustrating, try calling the better business bureau and see how frustrated
you get.
Now I would agree that I personally
could just be unlucky in the products and services I buy. And these exchanges
could go smoothly for everyone else. But I don't think so. It seems everyone
wants your money today, and they don't care how long it takes you to get
it back, or to get satisfaction. Of course, they wouldn't want to wait
four to six weeks for me to decide if I was happy and wanted to keep the
product, before I paid for it. So where does that leave us. Are the public
agencies we set up to protect our interests, really capable of doing the
job. Or are those agency's only set up to compound the problem by giving
us more forms to fill out, more time spent waiting on hold, more voice
mail systems to wander through, more lip service, more frustration.
In relation to the WTO, more
and more of the simple items we buy are made in China, or someplace with
similar labor concepts. These products are made to break and be replaced
frequently. More and more our stable concepts are being replaced with disposable
ones we have to buy over and over again. So that our consumption is constant.
Which brings up the really big
question, can the resources of the planet sustain an exponentially increasing
concept of consumption. At present the nations of the west enjoy this garbage
producing concept. What happens when the rest of the world, with the help
of the WTO, joins in the rabid consumption. Then how long do the resources
In the west we have research
institutes that study the needs of people and how to cater products to
them. We also have a media structure that is designed to show us what we
aren't, so it can dictate to us what we need to be better. It preys
on our vanity by creating and maintaining image ideologies. In America
the Marlboro man is the epitome of the white male image, blond is the color
of his favorite style of woman. Preferably slim and athletic, which sends
us to the store to spend at least four billion dollars a year on weight
loss products. Fast cars and cool clothes, even our social dialogues are
created by the marketers. How should men act, how should women act, what
constitutes an argument. Corporate news media helps us decide our political
perspectives, our social values and morals. A lot like the "Truman Show".
Basically illusion.
So, if we're the ones doing the
consuming how do we become the consumed. Its simple. The purpose of illusion
is to distract you from reality. The reality is that your souls are being
destroyed by spiritual warfare you cannot see because your perspectives
are locked in the physical world via illusion. Say what? This entire world
is an expression of spirit. We are the Children of God stolen from God
by corporate America and western industrialism. Who are they selling us
to? You may want to look into that. Can you be spiritual and physical at
the same time? Yes, but only if you understand what spirit is. If you don't
you end up like most of the Christians in the western world. Worshipping
your own Anti-christ and feeling good about it because god has blessed
you with stuff. Your puppet masters don't care about stuff. They encourage
us to make it so we will be preoccupied while here, which means we aren't
discovering the truth about our spiritual existence, which is the only
reason we come here. Thus, your souls are kept in ignorance, your life
sucked from you slowly so you die an unfulfilled husk of a human being.
Which sets you up for worse conditions in your next life. Which again brings
us to that rhetorical question. What's more important, your soul
or your stuff?
Most of us go out a work at least
a forty hour work week. The question you have to ask is, is that the amount
of time it really take to secure our day to day survival. The originating
idea, or the one used to sell our forefathers on the industrial revolution,
was that machines would make our lives easier. Do you think they did? Seems
to me a lot of us are loosing our jobs to machines, only trick is we're
not wealthy, the owners of the machines are. This is true in the Western
world. In the third world human labor still exists, basically as slave
Lets face it, the industrial
revolution was not war raised by the people against their masters. It was
the masters against the people. They wanted to create machines that would
free them from the responsibility of keeping slaves. Now here's the real
twist. The production of war machines has advanced with technology, giving
these puppet masters the advantage of strategic weapons. Weapons of mass
destruction that can be maintained by a few individuals. No longer do they
need massive hordes to control their realm. They can kill millions of us
with the press of one button. Or scarier still, with a small vial of liquid
in our water. Just something to keep in mind. Our consumption has given
them more power in a variety of ways. Still wonder who's consuming what?
When we think of inheritance, we don't often
associate it with poverty. But many people in the world inherit
poverty, in many different ways.
The revelation came to me the
other day. I was talking rent with a younger man, who seemed to feel that
paying $600 to rent a studio apartment in Seattle, was reasonable. I, on
the other hand, thought back to when I paid $287 for a studio apt., the
notion of paying $600 appalled me. Being older, I have rented a lot longer,
and have experienced the steady increase of rent in the area. It occurred
to me that if I don't make an issue of it, he might think its ok. Granted
he probably knows things used to be cheaper, but its like me relating to
someone who used to pay a nickel for a loaf of bread. I can visualize,
but it wasn't a reality for me. The older we get the more familiar with
the trend of life we become. Some peopIe say they don't worry they just
earn more money. When do we stop striving for more? Is that something we
can do forever? No. Time changes all things, we can never know when one
day we won't be able to keep up anymore. We watch life begin to move out
ahead of us, and we realize we should have did something about it when
we were younger. This is the folly of youth. It thinks it can run forever.
I watch the world become more expensive, not just for me, but for each
succeeding generation. I realize that if any one generation tolerates this
trend, we stabilized the trend for the generations coming after. If it
was a lie when first told, in time it gets twisted around into a truth.
By not making an issue of rent control, I contribute to the acceptance
of steadily increasing rents. By not saying anything about the disappearing
forests, one day a child will ask me why I'm upset, what's a tree anyway.
We call this progress. Not. When the human soul looses the will to stand
up for what it knows is right, it has become a victim of fear. This is
the most powerful form of inherited poverty.
Parents who do not get the opportunity
to accumulate wealth during their lives die poor, they leave nothing to
their children. If, on the other hand, parents achieve at least a comfortable
living, they assist their children by passing on something when they die.
This is a common cultural concept. This is also a way certain social
groups can be advanced ahead of others economically, generation after generation.
If the wealth of an economy can be distributed among the members of a specific
ideological perspective. This perspective can be advanced ahead of other
perspectives in a social economic sphere, merely by its consolidation of
wealth. In the industrial west, the wealth of the past 60 years was distributed
to individuals who pertained to the industrial mind, the industrial ideology.
Whereas, the so called "minorities" that live beside them did not always
share in the prosperity. Thus, instead of prosperity, their children inherit
poverty. It is ignorant to think that because these people could not achieve
the wealth to pass on to their children, that it was entirely their fault.
When the distribution of wealth in an industrial economic environment,
can be directly influenced by ideological preference. This is the deeper
impact of racism, sexism, and all forms of ideological discrimination.
It is also a form of social warfare.
In the industrial west, particularly
in America, the caucasian race receives the benefits of this form of discrimination.
Thus, as a social group they display the attitude that they can't be responsible
for the misfortune of the victims of their ignorance. When they are clearly
the recipients of the directed wealth, so long as they apply themselves
to the system. By enjoying this ignorance generation after generation,
they have given birth to a social ideology completely ignorant of its daily
expression of racism. This is another form of inherited poverty. The parents
pass on to the children an expression of survival based in illusion. By
never having had to struggle the way peoples of opposing ideologies do,
they pass on to their children a survival structure based not upon reality,
but upon the illusion cast upon them by their industrial puppet masters.
Their children will inevitably one day have to face conditions for which
they are ideologically unprepared. As history always repeats itself, they
ignorantly build the momentum of karma. God is not mocked, for whatsoever
a man sows, he shall reap.
When you take these concepts
into consideration in relation to a WTO, it is obvious it is not the time
for a WTO. These tendency's to direct financial benefits to specific individuals
or ideological perspectives will only escalate. Creating larger conflicts
within our planets social sphere. This is evident in the fact that the
western industrial nations will always maintain an economic dominance due
to the proportion of their wealth in relation to the poorer countries of
the world. From a country standpoint, the treaties may appear to compensate
for this imbalance. But we are not dealing with countries here. We are
dealing with a framework structured by huge multinational corporations,
to provide them with the freedom to accumulate vastly larger fortunes by
removing political obstacles to their profit. Political obstacles like
constitutions and labor unions. The very obstacles we put in place to protect
us from this form of attack. A new age of colonialism. The large Multi-national
Corporations are the primary stockholders in the banks of the world. Or
vice versa. At one level trade may be conducted by nations, but on the
real level, trade is conducted by industry. Thus, the WTO is NOT poised
to assist trade around the world. It is designed to increase it's trade
around the world. How much more poverty can we bear? How much more can
we afford to pass on? It is already very obvious that if we allow these
multi-nationals to get stronger than they already are, we only sell our
children into poverty, of one form or another. We cannot sit and let this
opportunity go by. It is time to express what's in our hearts. If we don't,
we teach our children they don't have to either. The future becomes a very
dark place.
Welcome to the world of high finance. So how
much longer will we seek to build this pyramid? One block
after another, we struggle, we die, and for what? The glory of a few individuals,
to say they have achieved more than anyone else before them. This is another
form of inherited poverty, the notion of 7 billion people, that they are
weaker than a few thousand individuals. If the parents believe it, they
teach it to the child as the way things are. That's why we're here.
Daily I watch as people slowly
release their pride and their dignity, just to pay the rent. Think it will
stop? NEVER. It will not stop until we tell it to. Even then, like every
major addiction, it will take almost as long to quit as it did to get addicted.
That is a long road. How's it done? Here's a hint. Recently, in Washington
state, the issue was raised concerning the import of chinese apple juice
concentrate coming into the country cheaper than it can be produced here.
In America, in the last twenty years, the farmer has often faired worse
than the factory worker. Our farm products get under priced by foreign
competition, our farmers go bankrupt, and their farms get bought up by
Corporate Agribusiness. Farmers are/were one of the largest groups of small
business in America. As small business disappears, so to does a free enterprise
environment. When all the means of production are owned by corporations,
this is called a monopoly. The fate of the many, falls into the hands of
a few. We see this growing trend in America. There is always a seeding
of small business to keep the illusion of a free enterprise environment,
but that's because the Corps are busy buying the infrastructure small business
is built upon. There are industries that never ever feel the woes of economic
hardship, because they are making money no matter what the economy does.
There is an entire third world
out there just waiting for development. The time has come, those country's
have suffered enough. Time to send in that masked man to put the future
of those countries in debt. A sneaky little trick recently pulled in America.
Rather than pay reasonable wages, or put mechanisms in place to maintain
a balanced economy, the puppet masters invented debt. Debt is the destruction
of freedom. We should have outlawed it long ago. The American population
of the 90's has less savings in the bank than our ancestors who endured
our great depression. Yet we believe our economy is bustling. There is
nothing we can buy that does not put us in debt. If debt were outlawed,
prices would have to come down, wages would go up, and we'd all be living
on a cash and carry basis. Debt robs us of our future. The worse thing
about debt, is that people own it, and the cost of debt will rise as we
move into the future. In essence, the future is collateral for today. We
work all the day long in an environment that we really couldn't afford
without the presence of debt. This is dysfunctional and criminal. The individuals
who have orchestrated this massive crime of robbery, have literally stolen
our future. We think we buy houses, but we really rent. If your house isn't
completely paid for, and you live in America, you are essentially homeless.
Our economy is headed for a collapse, that will be the final collar of
slavery for the American people. We will discover the painful reality of
title ownership, and we will be literally chained to a future debt that
will never be paid off.
When our currency collapses,
the banks own title on every piece of property in this country. Those bank
are backed by the Federal reserve bank. The federal reserve bank is backed
by wealthy stockholders who have bought bonds to provide the cash to build
America. Which means if the banks fail the ownership of every piece of
property in America, goes back to the stockholders in the Fed who are the
only people with enough cash to cover the gap. A gap they created with
debt. If you don't have the cash to pay off your loan when the bank fails,
how do you plan to keep your property, legally? In a society free from
debt, everyone would already own his/her property. Our currency couldn't
possibly collapse. There wouldn't be such a huge discrepancy between the
illusion of a dollar and its actual value. Our current dollar has an imaginary
value, because of, and dependent upon the value of debt in our country.
Complete global domination is only a financial crisis away. Are you banking
on being one of the fortunate good slaves, willing to sign your life into
indentured servitude for your sport utility vehicle? Willing to maybe become
a soldier of the empire, used to put down all the poor starving slobs left
penniless and homeless, starving in detention camps until the puppet masters
can figure out an accident to get rid of them all. Are you willing to serve?
These are questions you should be asking yourself. The nature of a WTO
is a dangerous thing. Not to be decided by a few individuals in a "For
the wealthy only", meeting.
The future of a WTO needs to
be decided by every man woman and child on this planet. It will effect
all of us directly. It already has. Its time we all got involved, before
its too late.