The Fifth Cultural Epoch - 2907 B.C.
to 747 B.C. |
2907 B.C. Beginning
of the Cultural Age of Taurus 2100 BC God promises Abraham many descendants Abraham lived around 2100 BC in what is now Iraq. God told him to move to Canaan, which later became Israel. Unlike many people, Abraham believed in the one true God. God rewarded Abraham's faith, making him the father of a great nation (Israel). 2000 BC Jacob (Israel) is born: Jacob, the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham, is born in Canaan, which later becomes Israel. Jacob's name is changed to Israel. He has 12 sons, for whom the 12 Tribes of Israel are named. 1946 BC End of the Astronomical Age of Taurus 1946 BC Beginning of the Astronomical Age of Aries 1910 BC Joseph sold into slavery: Joseph's 11 brothers are jealous of Joseph, so they sell him into slavery. Joseph ends up in Egypt, where he rises to power as a trusted assistant of a pharaoh. His father and his brothers later leave Canaan, because of a famine, and move to Egypt. 1446 BC Exodus begins: After being enslaved for 400 years, the Jews, led by Moses, leave Egypt and head toward the land of Canaan, which later becomes Israel. Moses and his fellow Jews wander the desert for 40 years before reaching the border of Canaan. 1406 BC Israel begins establishing itself as a country: After Moses dies, Joshua leads the Jews into Canaan and begins conquering the land, establishing the Jewish nation of Israel for the first time in history. 1400 BC Israel is ruled by judges, not kings: From about 1400 BC to about 1050 BC, Israel was not ruled by kings. The people think of God as their King. Instead of an earthly king, Israel is lead by judges who settled disputes. 1050 BC Saul becomes Israel's first king: After about 350 years of being ruled by judges, the people of Israel demand to have a king, like the neighboring countries. By demanding a king, the people are turning away from their faith in God as their king. Saul become king and reigns about 40 years. 1010 BC David becomes King of Israel: David becomes king of Israel in about 1010 BC and reigns for 40 years. David, unlike Saul, follows the commands of God. He makes mistakes, but repents for them. He seeks to please God. He expands the size of Israel and rules over surrounding territory. 970 BC Solomon becomes king, builds Temple: Solomon, son of David, becomes king in about 970 BC. He too reigns for about 40 years. Solomon builds the Temple in honor of God. The work is completed in about 960 BC. But, Solomon eventually turns away from God and worships false gods. 926 BC Israel becomes a divided kingdom: Shortly after the reign of Solomon, Israel becomes a divided kingdom. The southern kingdom, called Judah, included the city of Jerusalem and the Temple. The northern kingdom continued to be called Israel. The two often war with each other. 753 B.C. Historical date for Founding of Rome |