Catharism and Freemasonry.
The unveiling of Isis and the Salvation of the human
Transcript of two lectures
<> given
in Sydney, 2003
By Adriana Koulias
Catharism and Freemasonry.
The unveiling of Isis and the Salvation of the human
Exploring the dark
annals of
history and casting a light upon the future of this
important and enigmatic mystery stream.
It is very
difficult to disentangle the various streams that run through the
course of
human development. Each interpenetrates and influences the other in an
way, much the same way that our physical organs work together so that
all must
be in existence at the one time balancing out the influences of
external forces
on our body, thus allowing the soul and spirit to work freely and in a
way. But in physiology there is one aspect that holds sway for all the
In our blood we carry a duality: alkaline and acid, negative cat ions
positive ions. A polarity. So too in
development there has been a need for a polarity that in a sense works
all the various streams providing balance and allowing for the healthy
and free
interplay of creative forces. Macrocosmically this is illustrated in
dualist view of the cosmos of good and evil, and microcosmically in the
nature of our present root race - graced with two streams. The
Manichean stream
belongs to one of these and Rudolf Steiner tells us that it is the
older and
even greater than its offshoot, the Rosicrucian stream. It is logical
then if
we are to understand Manecheism, Catharism and Freemasonry that we have
to go
back a long way in the spiritual history of mankind. We have to take
back to a time when mankind was at its infancy, pre ‘history’ as we
know it.
This will take us to the two streams of humanity, one of which inspires
above three. Tonight we will look at the foundation of this stream and
three offspring, the outer history and the inner understanding. Next week we will explore the rebirth of this
stream that even now is seeking incarnation and looking to its mission
in our
epoch and the epochs to come.
Let us begin!
Let us call to
mind - in a brief way - the evolution of our cosmos. Some of us may
know that
there will be seven planetary conditions or Manvantaras.
The first is called Saturn in which the first rudimentary beginnings of
physical body were laid down, the second is Sun in which the Etheric
body comes
into existence, the third is called moon, in which man’s astral body is
and now, the fourth, the earthly globe whereupon man is works on the
of his ego. In future, there shall be three further globes the fifth -
sixth - Venus and seventh – Vulcan where man will develop the higher
aspects of
Manas, Buddhi, Atma.
Our present
earth condition is made up of seven great Epoch’s or root races: Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean,
first post Atlantean, second post Atlantean
and Third Post Atlantean.
Our present root
race or Great Epoch is made up of seven Cultural Epochs or subraces;
Persian, Egypto-Chaldean, Graeco-Roman, Anglo Germanic, Russian and
American. Denoting the prevalent culture existing
at the time. The Indian culture
worked most especially on
the Etheric body, the Persian on the Astral body, the Egypto Chaldean
saw man
working with his ego in the astral body forming the sentient soul, the
Greco-Roman era saw the ego working down into the Etheric body and
forming the
intellectual soul. In our cultural epoch, man is diving down with the
consciousness right down into the physical body, where he will develop
Rudolf Steiner called a consciousness soul in preparation for the
Russian epoch
and the American epoch when it will become spiritualised for the
beginnings of
the interpenetration of Manas.
In this lecture
we will begin with Lemurian times crossing
over to Atlantean times. Here it is said
that Lucifer first entered
into mankind with the division of the sexes. In the Old Testament we
find much that points to mankind’s development
subsequent to this time.
Let’s look then at the story of Adam and Eve.
In Genesis as
illuminated by spiritual science, we are told that God created man,
male-female. Rudolf Steiner tells us, both
male and
female existed then, not sexually defined. Jehova,
the Elohim that sacrificed his Sun existence to
guide mankind
from the moon sphere when the moon separated from the earth was of
female characteristic. She separated the female element of human kind
called it Eve and what was left behind she called Adam. Eve was created
before Adam. Recently science has begun to support this old mystery
through its investigations of the Chromosome.
As a result of
this separation humankind becomes ego-bearing. This the Bible depicts
as the
‘fall of man’.
What does the
‘fall of man’ really mean?
Human beings
fall, as it were, to the earth. That is, when Lucifer entered into
man’s Astral
body, the human being was then suddenly able to see the world around
him, independent
of himself, he became an ego bearing being and for the first time was
of acquiring knowledge of the world. This is what is meant by eating
the apple
from the ‘Tree of knowledge’ or the Astral body and the physical
This intervention
was necessary. Without it humanity could not have developed freedom, it
always have been subject to higher beings and its advancement would not
be won
through the dint of personal effort. Death also became possible for the
time and alternating times between sleep and wakefulness.
however, fell a little further than intended. That is, Lucifer’s
influence was
stronger than had been expected. Now, Higher
beings were concerned lest this influence enter too far into the human
The Etheric or Life body was protected from Luciferic influence by
beings in order that this might be prevented. In order to do this it
necessary for the human being’s Etheric body to be lifted out of his
body. This meant that from that time on humanity began to lose its
or cognition of Etheric forces or
‘The tree of life’. This was taken
away by lifting out of the Etheric body.
We are told then
that after this momentous event a sun Elohim that had sacrificed its
nature united with Eve and produced Cain, a representative of the Male
Then Eve is said
to have united with Adam and produced Abel whose Etheric body being the
opposite of his physical body was feminine and became the
representative of the
Female stream.
Jehova not too
pleased with a creation he had nothing to do with did not accept Cain’s
sacrifice only Abel’s. Cain then kills Abel and is banished after which
and Eve have another child whom they call
In this killing
of Abel by Cain we can see the beginnings of egoism. When Cain is asked
concerning his brother he asks, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’
So we have two
Streams – Cain and Abel.
Cain is a
descendant of a god, a
representative of the male stream - the material stream. In this stream
all the wisdom concerning the physical world. Cain was a tiller of the ground, this signifies one who seeks spirituality
his own labours. This is sometimes called the Magian
or Kingly stream. This is the stream of Conception or concept.
Zarathustra was
that initiate who belonged to this Northern Stream that concerns itself
the Outer world. He was a representative of this stream, as was Hiram
builder as well as the first Faust Simon the Magus. This is also the
stream that
could be called heretical because of its Gnostic roots and its failure
accept the priestly wisdom.
Abel/Seth –
descendant of Man, representative of the female stream –
the spiritual stream. In this stream lies all the wisdom received from
inspiration from God. Signifies one who obtains spirituality without
clairvoyance. He is the keeper of the
flock. It is the stream of the Shepherds or the priestly stream. This
is the
stream of Perception or percept. The Southern Stream. Inner
experiences. The
Initiate Buddha was a representative of this stream as was Solomon and
Augustine. The prophets of the Old Testament belong to this stream. It
is the
stream of the Catholic Church.
order for a new impulse to enter into human evolution two polar
streams have to exist. In this way a synthesis of the two can create
higher – they were necessary to prepare mankind for the first and
mysteries of Golgotha. One occurring on the physical
plane and one in
the Etheric plane. We see the two streams coming together in the
Shepherds who heard the call of the Angel Gabriel - Abel stream and the three Magi of the
East who followed the star and brought gifts to Jesus – Cain stream.
Atlantis Ahriman’s influence is made itself felt in the astral body
in the seed of his intellectual soul and Karma became necessary. It is
also on
Atlantis that man abuses his gifts and causes the flood and we see Manu
biblical Noah a descendant of the Abel stream take what is left of
humanity to
the first Post Atlantean cultural epoch of India.
Manu thus enters the stream of Cain via his son Ham’s wife who couples
Tubal Cain and creates Nimrod, thus uniting the two streams.
Who is Manu?
There are many
Manu’s. Manu is a designation for those exalted beings that inspire
from above. A pupil of his takes on his name but in a different way.
Now we
have to do with an individuality through whom
works supersensibly a Manes. One such Manes was chosen to incarnate
again and
again in order to prepare to become the Manu of the sixth cultural
epoch to
midwife the new aspect of the Manichean stream that will soon
incarnate. After
his incarnation as a pupil of Manu in India,
this Manes incarnates in the Egyptian mysteries as the man of Sais who
pulls the
veil off Isis, then again in Greco Roman times as the young man of
Nain who also
the son of a widow is intiated by Christ himself. He may indeed then
incarnated as Vitzliputzli the human god of the Totem of the Eagle in
Mexican Mysteries who fought against the Evil magician and crucified
him in
33AD (Bernard Lievegood indicates this in
his book
Battle for the Soul) and then as Mani and finally as Parcifal, who
brings the
grail stream and the Arthur stream together. He is able to find the
Holy Grail
of our earthly round - the consciousness soul.
The Manicheans – Etheric
The Manicheans
were followers of a man who called himself Mani. The legend tells how
in the 3rd
Century AD, a seven year old boy named Corbicius was sold into slavery
by his
poor ‘widowed’ mother. He became the slave of a rich widow who adopted
him as
her son. The Legend goes on to say how this widow was a friend of a
whose name was Terebinthus ( a later
incarnation of
Buddha) a pupil of the initiate Scythianos. He was supposed to have
four important books that he bequeathed to the widow at his death. She
gave these books to her young charge. When he was eighteen Corbicius
surrounded himself with students and gave
himself the
name Mani a Manes - Mana Raba – the promised comforter or Paraclete –
the holy
spirit promised to mankind. Not long after he withdrew for a year into
darkness and solitude there he experienced a meeting with the Christ -
Damascus experience where he was given a doctrine that encompasses
development from Saturn to Vulcan.
This Doctrine
Christianised the teachings of Zarathustra.
The Legend tells
us that, at one time the spirits of darkness wanted to take the kingdom
light by storm to conquer it. They were not successful and had to be
by the kingdom of light. Since in this realm there was nothing evil
only good
they could only be punished with something good. The spirits of light
took part
of their own kingdom and mixed it with the kingdom of darkness- this
created a
new element…death. And so mankind was brought into existence. In this
we can
see a reflection of the fall. Manicheans believe good and evil are the
same in
their origin and in their ending. That there can
be no light
without darkness and visa versa. It believes in the principle
that evil
is only a misplaced or mistimed good and concerns itself with the
redeeming of
evil through the ‘good’.
At the end of
the 3Century AD Mani was executed.
In esoteric
terms what doctrine did Mani receive in that cave?
The legend
speaks of four books given to Mani pupil of Zarathustra by Terebinthus
who was an incarnation
Buddha pupil of Scythianos.
At the time Mani
lived the Gnosis - Greek for ‘knowledge’ referring in this context to
direct acquisition of ‘knowledge’ of spiritual things without an
in a state of little participation – that is in a passive way. This
had, since
the mystery of Golgotha begun to give way to a new Gnosis which sought to create
synthesis of the pre Christian mysteries with the Christian mysteries.
tells us that esoteric Gnosis was possible only up until the time of
mystery of Golgotha. Thereafter it became exoteric and slowly died away by
the 3rd
century as man began to acquire the intellectual soul. This gnosis is
helped man prepare for the coming of Christ and it also helped him to
understand the mystery of Golgotha. Now it was leaving mankind and Steiner tells us that a
among the highest initiates of the earth took place in the fourth
century to
work out how best to preserve the mystery wisdom that had died away,
the gnosis
for a later time when it could be acquired actively with human
We must bear in mind that 333 AD was midpoint in the Greco-Roman
epoch, and it was at this time that the following initiates, Buddha,
Scythianos, Zarathustra and the highest of them Manu met at this
Legends usually
concern themselves with spiritual occurrences. It
may be postulated that this council with the four
Initiates may
relate to the four books of the legend. This constituted a doctrine
that would
be kept safe for mankind for future times. The
first being
the purification of the physical body in preparation for its higher
Atma or spirit man - Death and Resurrection. The
Temple sleep. It concerns
itself with the first and the last, the physical body that becomes the
resurrection body, this was Scythianos’ concern. The second was the
concerning the Etheric body and its higher aspect Buddhi or life
spirit. This
was the mystery of Zarathustra - the knowledge of Christ as a Sun being
and of
the healing power of the Etheric body. Zarathustra prepared the ego for
Solomon Jesus Child so that at the age of twelve it could enter the
Jesus child and prepare his body for the entry of the Christ ego who
bring down the forces of the tree of life to the world – that is he
would enter
into the Etheric body of the earth as a healing measure to prevent the
progressive downward fall of man – the protection of the Etheric body
of man by
Christ. The third was the knowledge
concerning the Astral body and its higher aspect Manas or spirit self
this was
the Buddha mystery – catharsis through purification, and compassion.
The last
is the mystery of the ego, this was what
the human
Manu through his earthly representative would elaborate more and more
in the
future - the mystery of the transmutation of evil into good through
sacrifice. The Holy Grail.
When we look at
the four we see then that Freemasonry lives more in the will and
connected with Scythianos and the mysteries of the physical body.
exists more in the feeling and so is deeply connected with the
mysteries of the
Astral body as vouchsafed by Buddha. The old Manichean stream lived
more in the
thinking and was therefore intimately connected with the mysteries of
Etheric as vouchsafed by Zarathustra, and The new Manichean stream will
with what has been elaborated by the human Manu and relates to the
mystery of
the sacrifice of the ego and as a consequence the redemption of evil.
All great initiates in
this stream were
called sons of widows. Now we come to the question what does
it mean to be the son of a widow.
Firstly who is the widow?
We find the
answer in the hearts and minds of the ancient Egyptians.
Isis wisdom or Sophia was the bride of Osiris, the Sun being.
Osiris is
killed by Typhon, the Ahriman of the Egyptians. Ahriman kills Osiris
and throws
him into the Nile, and it carries his body away. Isis wanders the
earth looking for Osiris and finds him in Asia. She brings
him back to Egypt
where Ahriman cuts his body into fourteen parts. Isis buries these
parts in
various places so that from now on they belong to the earth. Now let us
what it means to be the son of Isis,
that is the son of the widow. This
spiritual facts on many levels. One of them concerns again a duality.
Egyptian times there were two forces present in the soul the mother and
father these were known as Isis and Osiris. Isis receives the
divine and ‘conceives’ the spiritual into itself and
Osiris is the divine that flows directly into man. When the father the
fructifier withdraws from the world, the mother, the soul becomes
widowed. This
was necessary for the old clairvoyance had to die away so that it could
reborn at a higher stage. Initiates must live future conditions ahead
of time
and so those who were initiated into these mysteries had to undergo the
Temple sleep where
over the course of three days the Etheric and Astral bodies are lifted
out of
the physical body leaving only the ego behind. Steiner tells us that
Etheric body is the opposite gender to the physical body therefore the
Etheric body unites with the astral leaving the ego and male physical
body behind.
In order to do this he had to renounce his individuality his ego and
dwell in a
higher spiritual world that is why such initiates became one with their
eg: Israelite or Persian. All initiates of this mystery became sons of
for they had relinquished the old clairvoyance and would seek to work
towards a
future where a new clairvoyance, a conscious clairvoyance won through
and work would arise.
Sons of a widow
Naboth becomes Elijah when he brings
the young man - the son of a widow back to life.
The Macabees were
comprised of seven sons
of a widow and five sons of Mattathias who was a priest. This brings
the two streams in preparation for their future reincarnations as the
apostles that surrounded Christ.
Hiram Abiff the builder
of the Temple of Solomon is
known to have been the son of a widow as was his following incarnation
Lazarus who became John at his initiation with Christ as hierophant.
whilst on the cross gives him his mother the representative of Isis or
who was also a widow. Christ says to Mary “Woman behold your son”, and
then to
John “Behold your mother!”
The ‘young man of Nain’
was a son of a
widow an earlier incarnation of Mani. He was the first man to be
initiated by
Jesus personally.
Jesus himself
was a widow’s son or fatherless before he began his ministry though he
was born
because the union of the Abel and Cain stream had made it possible –
his Abel/David/Solomon lineage and the Cain stream through Zarathustra.
During this
fifth epoch of the earth the father (The spiritual world) has withdrawn
and man
has become widowed, has been thrown back onto himself. The whole of
has become sons of a widow - the soul is left on its own. The guidance
above for the soul has gradually withdrawn. As we have previously
Esoteric Gnosis had died out by the time of Christ and only an exoteric
was left to grasp the mystery of Golgotha. Then that too died out by the fourth century. Man
became orphaned
from the spiritual world, and this was most true during the dark ages.
It was
at this time, as gnosis began to die out that the priestly stream
clamoured to
keep its power by reverencing only the outward forms. Since what
belonged to
the priestly line - all inner wisdom - had begun to turn into outward
perception, and the gift of the Hebrew prophets became materialistic
knowledge that sought to raise the Catholic church above all else on a
of cannons. Manichean sects penetrated across Europe and as far
as China. St
Augustine was a
Manichean before he turned Catholic and then went on to become one of
greatest opponents. The foremost of which, the Cathars, were persecuted
by the
church with unrelenting enthusiasm and were eventually ‘wiped’ out.
Much of
what had once existed as Manichean wisdom was lost.
The Cathars - Astral
It began with the
Paulicians, a Manichean
sect founded by Constantine of Manaalis with strong Christian
tendencies that
flourished in Armenia and Asia Minor. In 872 this sect was conquered by the Greeks and was
forced into
submission. Manaalis was executed and many of his adherents were
deported to
the Balkans where an Asiatic people had established a kingdom south of
the Danube called Bulgaria.
It was here that the Paulicians found a seed-bed for their missionary
zeal that
spread to the midi appearing in the tenth century as Bogomilism. The
were therefore called Bogomils ‘the beloved of God’ or Bulgars. To this
day, we
have a word that Australians use almost every day and even commercials
made use of it. Bugger – a person who commits sodomy- or a Bulgar
– a heretic to whom this crime was attributed.
This dualist
Christianity was popular and
almost became the official state religion of Bosnia
and Serbia only the Turkish invasion in the seventeenth century was
able to
blot it out.
The sect moved across Europe and became
known by
various names in different countries. It settled in the south of France
around the area known as Languedoc
where it became known as the Cathar sect. The Cathars were devotees
of John the Divine and carried the gospel in their cloaks at all times.
In it
Christ states that his true disciples are called Katheroi. Cathares
comes from
this word meaning to liberate to purify by liberating, to cleanse, to
They lived simple lives
themselves from earthly riches. They possessed knowledge of herbs and
concerning the harmonising aspects of nature. They were vegetarians,
did not
consort with members of the opposite sex and allowed females into their
ministries. In their society no prejudice existed. The wealthy was on
the same
footing as the poor what was cherished and honoured was virtue merit
and self
transformation. In their society the troubadours flourished, with their
for the Sophia and the higher union was the subject of songs and poems.
area because of its ports and strategic location was not so unlike Jerusalem
and Alexandria, for it
became a centre for the mysteries. Cabala was studied as well as the
Arab and
Greek philosophers. Mysticism and Gnosticism flourished - remnants of a
vibrant understanding of the Cosmic Christ. They strove to sharpen
their senses
and cultivate a sense for the arts as well as a purification of the
soul in a
highly democratic and cultured society. Soon Perfecti men and women
everywhere, Cathar churches were established in Languedoc,
Beziers, Toulouse,
Carcasonne, with their own priests and bishops. They taught pacifism
and the
shunning all violence. They taught concerning the transformation of
evil with
the power of love. That the I am was to be
as Christ within, and that one did not need a corrupt priest as an
since the ritual of the sacrament or confession if enacted by a corrupt
was not valid. They taught reincarnation which had been formerly
abolished by
the church since the 3 Century AD. Their beliefs were Manichean and
dualist -
that the world was created by an evil demiurge but that parallel with
the world
of darkness there was a good earth and a good heaven where dwelt
beings. Below fallen angels incarnated into human bodies, until they
pure, since the human being given a remnant of inner light could choose
evil or
good. Initiates could perceive the good world that was said to be more
than the evil world – where the good souls would go - the Arcadia.
Christ had
come to help mankind find his way back home therefore ending the cycle
incarnations. To a Cathar Christ had not died on the cross, only Jesus
for Christ
was an immortal being. The cross was a symbol of mortality of the lower
of man. They understood that the mass had lost its meaning that the
host was
only a representation of Christ’s body and blood only because his blood
entered the earth from which all things, wheat and grapes are grown.
The Virgin
Mary was the Sophia, the virgin birth of the self within the purified
body. Killing any living thing was forbidden. Lies were abhorred and
swearing of oaths.
Cousins in the Cain
stream were the
Templars. The Cathars worked more towards a perfected true Christian
whereas the Templars were establishing social conditions necessary for
such a
religion to flourish. Like the Templars there were three degrees of
Parfaits or
perfects. The Sympathisers who only had to perform the 'Melhoriamentum'
bowing before a perfecti, kneeling and asking for his blessing, the
or believers who submitted to the 'Apelhamentum' or confession before
the group
and the Advanced who became Bishops and partook of the 'Consolamentum'
a ritual
in which the holy spirit is bestowed upon the neophyte and he is
initiated into
the secrets of The Lord’s Prayer and vows to remain pure by abstaining
sexual relations, eating a vegetarian diet and living a life of
austerity. Such
an initiate is called on to help pave the way for the Paraclete. The second coming of Christ in the Etheric.
The Catholic Church was
corrupt in Languedoc, its
Bishops avaricious and disinterested in the people. No mass was
celebrated in
many of the smaller churches or if it was, it was celebrated by
ignorant young
priests without experience, wisdom or knowledge. By
the thirteenth century the Cathar church
with its pious, organised interested clergy, had spread widely and it
is easy
to see why it usurped the priestly Roman Church and became so powerful
it began
to voice its strong opposition to it.
Pope Innocent III a
ruthless advocate of
the priestly line branded them anathema, their study of the gospel of
heresy and sent its bishops to debate publicly with the bishops.
Guzman, whose order of Dominicans became the chief Order in the
process, was their opponent. Phillip-August King of France, then only
of the north wanted the south for his own, since it had remained
too long - a sovereignty of the counts of Toulouse
although the king’s vassals recognised his power as purely nominal. An
was struck between Phillip and Innocent. Innocent wanted the
extermination of
the Cathars and in return he would hand Languedoc
to the
king on a silver platter. The priestly stream would wage one of the bloodiest wars
ever waged against the kingly stream.
An army of northern
knights formed the
Crusade against the Cathars. It was joined by the clergy - the bishop
Citeaux, Arnaud Amaury, and in May 1208 the invasion began at Quercy.
marched in the direction of Toulouse
plundering, murdering, raping, setting fires, destroying crops,
farms and villages. Onward they marched against Beziers
a large
Cathar centre. Outside the town when asked how must the crusaders tell
Catholics and Cathars Amaury answered famously, “Kill them all, God
recognise His own!” 7000 were killed in the church alone, as they
celebrating a saint’s day. The knights went on to pillage the city
twenty thousand men, women, the elderly, children, indiscriminately. In
Carcassone was put to the sword. Simon de Montfort the lion with the
tail emblazoned on his coat-of-arms was recruited as associate leader
of the
Crusade. This man was ambitious and possessed of unbelievable cruelty.
He felt
a sinister, intense joy at seeing mass executions. It was by his order
that in
Bram the knights and mercenaries slit noses and lips, lopped off hands
ears and
feet, gouged out eyes. The historian Zoe Oldenbourg recounts how
hundreds of
blind, mutilated men, women and children were led by a one-eyed victim
to the
nearest town to show the consequences of opposition. Thousands were
either massacred
or burned alive. Their only refuge being Templar
houses and
castles, grottoes and forests. This goes on for another fifteen
Two popes later the great pope Gregory, ordered an Inquisition. The
became known as the ‘Domini Canni’ a play on Latin meaning the hounds
of God.
They together with the Franciscans had the power to interrogate and
send any
person to the pyre who was suspected of being a Cathar or Cathar
This continued for twenty years until there was nothing outward left of
the Cathar Church except
the citadel of Montsegur.
After the slaughter of
the entire town of Avignonet those who had gone into hiding assassinated the
inquisitors and the
clergy. Another Crusade was called to advance on Montsegur. This was
headed now
by Louis King of France with an army of mercenaries, criminals and tramps.
Five hundred Cathari
escaped to
Montsegur. The siege lasted ten months. When they surrendered they were
fifteen days to prepare for the burning. In those fifteen days they
fasted and
prayed and prepared to save the treasure.
The treasure was a
child. The child of Montsegur who would one day
become Christian
Rosencreutz. He escaped with the help of four Cathars on March 12th
in the middle of the night. They were let down the steep precipice on
ropes and
through secret passageways. They travelled to a monastery at the foot
of the Pyrenees - a Templar
stronghold. Here in this monastery the child underwent an initiation by
who possessed all the wisdom of the past and of their time and would
who were left,
two hundred and five Cathares, on the appointed day descended from the
singing and holding hands. They made
their way
to a waiting pyre that had been constructed in a field that has come to
called the field of the Cremated. As they died they saw the small fire
on a
hill opposite, which signalled that the treasure had been rescued.
The Manichean
stream was destined to withdraw. Its other representative the Templar
also met with Sword and Inquisition. The Cathars had come to prepare
that stage
in man’s soul development when he would seek for his own soul spiritual
To develop human beings to a stage that would provide adequate vessels
in the
future for the new Manichean stream.
In a microcosmic
way they were also vouchsafed the four mysteries. Firstly
mystery of Catharsis or purification through compassion and love that
had been
the gift of Buddha. The second mystery was that of the healing
powers of
the Etheric body vouchsafed by Zarathustra, hence many Cathars were
The third mystery concerned the physical body whose benefactor had been
Scythianos. This was similar to the mysteries that were known by the Essenes, that is the scrupulous cleanliness, the eating
of no
animal products, no sexual relations.
The treasures of
the Cathars and Templars that would advance the Manichean stream would
handed over to Freemasonry and through Christian Rosencreutz later, to
cousin in the stream Rosicrucianism.
Freemasonry – Physical body
the Temple
All Freemason’s
see their founder as Hiram Abiff, representative of the Cain stream
ancestors were Tubal Cain and Cain
himself. Hiram is
also the Son of a Widow. An initiate in the Egyptian Temple sleep –
that is the Astral and the female etheric
body was
separated from the physical body - male and the ego. The soul and
widowed in order to obtain spiritual perception. He is called by
Solomon, a
representative of the Abel stream to build a Temple
that would
become known as the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. As we know the male stream
or Cain stream is the stream of those who are wise in the doing. The
stream is represented by those who are wise in the knowing. Solomon
knew the
dimensions of the building but he could not build it. Hiram knew how it
must be
built. In the course of time Solomon called to his court the Queen of
Sheba who
would be his betrothed but she became infatuated with Hiram who could
such a wonderful temple and command all men with the sign of the Tau. Solomon was jealous and did not prevent
enemies who were seeking to know the ‘word’ and set about to thwart
hopes of casting in bronze a molten sea. It was a disaster. The bronze
overflowed the mould and when Hiram tried to prevent it with water it
caused a
rain of fire. A voice called out to him ‘Hiram plunge into the sea of
When he did he was taken to the centre of the earth where he met with
ancestors Tubal Cain and Cain. Tubal
Cain gave him a hammer that would restore all things to their proper
order ( a
judge calls out “Order, Order!” as he strikes a hammer even today), he
told him
that he would be the father of those who would be born out of fire
which brings
wisdom and makes man thoughtful. The molten sea was restored by the
Hiram then marries the Queen of Sheba, but a short time later is
murdered by
the three apprentices. But before he died he was able to save the
triangle with
the master word engraved which he threw in a deep well.
The triangle was found by Solomon and sealed
up, buried in a place known only to twenty seven people. The new Master
Word is
that word that was uttered when the corpse was found. It remains the
What does
this legend represent?
we have heard the origins of the female and the male stream. We have
heard how
the Abel stream embodies all the wisdom that streams down from God, we have also heard how the male stream is
for resisting wisdom that is not acquired by effort. Solomon is the
representative of the Abelites. He is of
the priestly
line. Hiram of the Cain line is called to undertake the molten sea –
which in
those times was the royal art, the art of transforming the mineral
kingdom. He
is also told that he will bring forth a new race. This new race is
other than the future race in the Jupiter round or six round of the our
when man will no longer need to propagate through sexual means but will
through the spoken word, through the larynx. The gospel of Thomas a
gospel states “When you make the two
one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as
inside, and the upper side as the lower; and when you make the male and
female into a single one, that the male be not male and the female female; when you make eyes in the place of an
eye, and a
hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in
place of an
image, then shall you enter [the kingdom].
male stream and the female stream unite once again to become a single
one as in
the marriage between Hiram and the Queen of Sheba. The ‘Word’ was lost
when the
two sexes originated. It was buried and hidden sealed over by the ten commandments. The laws of a moral world order
suited to
a time when there are two sexes will not be needed when the two become
Freemasonry then is the preservation of the lost word which can only be
when male wisdom awakens activity in itself. That is why Freemansonry
had not accepted females into its ranks until recent times. Even so all
that is
preserved in symbols was in the first place derived from the priestly
and so it is implanted in the higher degrees of Freemansonry
that which was female wisdom. It has therefore been allowed to vanish
and only
Craft Masonry is left, and it only concerns itself with worldly things.
the mystery of Golgotha the very outer
quality of
this stream has become inward. As the wise men of the east were able to
calculate from the heavens the exact date for the birth of Christ so
has this
knowledge of the world and the cosmos and its moral qualities turned
inward and
into what we now know as the dry geometry and astronomy and mathematics
today devoid of morals. However the Freemason knew that when mankind
independent of the sexes moral laws would become the same as
mathematical laws
eg: the sum of the three angles of a triangle will always equal 180’ in
same way that in the sixth epoch what is good can be thought as nothing
and what is evil can never pass for the good. However this meant that
for a
time the priestly wisdom had to sacrifice itself. The female priestly
would have to die away but it did not wish to. It had certainly managed
destroy the Manicheans, the Cathars and the Templars, but now it faced
opponent differently. It founded the
Jesuit Order to win the earth back to the priestly wisdom by
Freemasonry and therefore tainting it. After that Freemasonry lost its
connection with the spiritual world.
there are two trends in Freemasonry. Symbolic or Craft Masonry which is
into three degrees, the apprentice, the journeyman and the master degreees. And the higher degree Masonry, which
the Scottish or Accepted rite that
looks back to the Egyptian - the Misraim or the Memphis Rite. This higher degree
masonry is
traced back to the mysteries which have preserved the higher
knowledge for the future. The mysteries that were
a synthesis
of East West South and Northern mysteries and contained the seed of all
spiritual culture. Through this knowledge the Freemason was able
anticipate in thought the events that are to occur in the world in the
centuries and to perfect the high ideals of humanity in a fully
conscious way,
so that these ideals would not become abstract ideas - in the same way
plans are made by an architect about a building that will exist in the
the past the royal Art was comprised of three pillars,
transformation of inanimate nature through truth and Wisdom .
the human spirit into lifeless matter to ensoul
through Art -
reshaping of nation of the human race through Goodness.
The cross itself
tells us what
man must achieve. It represents the four kingdoms man mineral animal
and plant.
If we take out the mineral this symbolises that which man has not
Humanity has
mastered the mineral but not the plant, the animal kingdom is a
hindrance to
human beings and it must be mastered before humans can become truly
human. At
the time of the Egyptians and later on into the middle ages the
knowledge of
the control of inorganic nature constituted the Royal Art. But since
the mystery
of Golgotha what this stream obtained outwardly had to undergo a
change and has
become inward. After the ninth century, Manes as Parzifal
introduces a new impulse into
Freemasonry. The symbol
of the Holy Grail
or the principle of self sacrifice. The Holy Grail became from
that time
on the knowledge that would one day give rise to the control over all
Freemason’s task ended with the Jesuit infiltration. The form should
have been
made to hold the work of Anthroposophy. This was the task of the
Freemason. It
had to give way to a new form, Anthroposophy. Anthroposophy should be
the link
between the male and the female stream, through which the buried
triangle can
be discovered.
new Manichean
Stream – the mystery of the sacrifice of the Ego and the Redemption of
When I saw the Two Towers last
month the second book of Lord of the Rings I realised just how
prophetic this
work of J R Tolkien’s really was. In it if you have not read it a young Hobbit
Frodo embarks on a quest to destroy a ring of power. A ring
that if fallen into the hands of the evil magician Sauron
will mean the end of mankind. “One ring to rule them all, one
ring to
find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
Parcifal Frodo is young and a fool, but he has a pure heart. It was
this little
hobbit’s task to prevent the enslavement of the world by throwing the
ring into
a volcano thereby destroying it. If we
look at this ring in light of Spiritual science we come to understand
that this
ring is nothing more than the ego.
The ego is the
ring of power. It is on the one hand what makes one ego feel itself
better than
another. It is what makes men want to drive all other egos away and be
at war
with them. On the other hand the ego is all that makes us free in the
sense of the word. It elevates us and exhalts
us. It
is what gives us our worth and dignity. It is our potential for the
divine. It
is through the power of the ego that man can work on his soul, his etheric body and his physical nature. There are
powers that would like to take hold of man’s ego in order to control
and rule
him. Man must be willing in the end to sacrifice his ego in the fire of
spirit, as Frodo sacrifices the ring in mount Doom
in order
to rise to higher spirituality. This he can only accomplish through
and his friend Samwise Gamgee.
It is the task
of our age to make the ego so independent that it can offer the free
gift of love even to God. Looked at in this light we are all little
and man is under threat! The battle for mankind is at hand and there
spiritual forces working in the soul of man to take away his freedom
control him so that his ego becomes hardened and selfish. Self-love
must be sacrificed, selfless love –
brotherhood - must become the
standard for all mankind. This is the task of the new Manichean stream
to incarnate in the world today.
like the other streams before it came at the time it did for a reason.
Steiner alluded many times to this fact. Anthroposophy was bestowed
mankind in order to achieve the right social and educational conditions
for the
future incarnation of Manes the new human Manu, whose task will be to
humanity achieve the above tasks in an age which will see the
incarnation of
Ahriman, and a war of all against all. Manu will take what is left of
‘good’ mankind onto the sixth Post Atlantean
epoch of
this earth much in the same way as the divine Manu took the seven Holy Rishis with him to India
during the great Atlantean Catastrophe.
The fellowship
of the Anthroposophical movement
therefore stands upon the edge of a
knife. Stray but a little and it will fail. If it does not look away
prepares itself for a great sacrifice through brotherhood, it will be
the womb
into which the new Manichean stream will incarnate. To do this it must
both male and female streams in a harmonious way. That is both the
industry and
fire of practical knowledge of below must come to accept and unite
itself with
the calm waters of wisdom that comes from above. The knowledge earned
the Sophia/Isis must once again seek the Christ. That means that each
individual Anthroposophist must have the initiation knowledge that will
each one of us to develop not only new faculties of perception but also
along side this a deep concern and love for
our fellow
human being. The one cannot work without the other. Without this love,
growth is egotistical, and without the proper schooling, love has no
upon which to work.
You see those of
us, who know these things are called to live the future in advance.
Just as the
Manicheans, Templars, Cathars and Freemasons before us.
What are the tasks of the
new Manicheans?
1 Transformation
of Evil
What is the
evil that must be transformed?
The inner and
outer path that we discussed represents for man the conquest of the two
adversaries, Lucifer and Ahriman. Lucifer being
more inclined
to the Abel stream and Ahriman being more inclined to the Cain stream.
However since our times Asura the leading spirit of the Asuras
originally high
Gods transformed into non Gods at the transition of Lemuria into
Atlantis is
entering the scene. These are the kin of those beings whom the Bible
tells us
Christ tethered when he descended into the centre of the earth. There
he put
chains upon them so to speak and held them in check but they are now
rising up
again against the normal development of the consciousness soul so that
control of man’s ego might be the outcome. Together these three form an
trinity around the Biblical Sun Demon Sorat,
Sorath - 666. This opposition is necessary if man is to progress
through his
own efforts and through free will. He achieves far more because of this
opposition in the same way that a body builder builds his muscles
through the
resistance of gravity to weights that he lifts. It is a painful process
but it
pays off.
How is it to be
Creating the forms of the future
- The new
Royal Art
What is the new
royal art?
You will recall
from last weeks lectures that there are seven rounds or conditions of
planet. Saturn Sun Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Venus,
During each round there has been a sacrifice by higher and lower beings
order that the earth develop the right
condition for
man’s development. Man was bestowed the physical in Saturn due to a
of their own substance by the Spirits of Wisdom, the Etheric body on
the Sun
because of the sacrifice by the Spirits of will, the moon by the
spirits of
motion and now on earth man is working with his ego on the soul members
thinking feeling and will.
The ego is the
key, without it mankind could not have self consciousness and would
exist like
an animal. This self consciousness has worked its way downwards into
being. Since the Egypto Chaldean times man’s ego consciousness lit up
in his
Astral body and he became aware of his feelings, this developed a
soul, this sentient soul and ego lit up in his Etheric body and
concepts concerning those feelings and he came to develop the
Intellectual soul
during the Greco Roman times, since the fifteenth century the ego
in concepts and feelings have stimulated a consciousness of self in the
life of
the will or the physical body, this Steiner has called the
Consciousness soul
age. This consciousness soul is very special for such a conscious
will lead humanity
toward the acquisition of higher faculties in the soul of Imagination,
Inspiration and Intuition. But this requires the schooling of the will
and feeling so that he can raise them to a higher level. Here man must
his first sacrifice, the gradual sacrifice of his lower self.
This means that
he must sacrifice three things.
His feelings must
be raised higher to become moral
intuitions. This is the sacrifice of the ego in the Astral – the
feeling life
must be fired up by all that is beautiful and noble. This will dispel
all hatred and contention..
life must be raised higher to become spiritual imaginations – moral
imaginations. This will be the sacrifice of logic, or the sacrifice of
the ego
in the Etheric. Truth must become indivisible in the same way that
there can be
no dispute that the three angles of a triangle must equal 180’. Cosmic thinking
will work on
earthly truth to find a higher truth a creative truth – this will
dispel doubt.
His will life
will be consciously guided by moral
imaginations and moral intuitions, fired up by the
higher truth and permeated by beauty will
find the courage to do the good – the moral action - fear shall no
longer exist. This
will be a sacrifice of the ego in the physical body.
subsidiary exercises along the eight fold path are a guide to achieving
these necessary forces are awakened in human nature there will be no
unbrotherliness. This will be the gift of the Holy Spirit - Manas.
Manes the paraclete, an incarnation of the
Holy Spirit has already
reached this stage. Now it is that those who wish to follow him must
seek to
become permeated once again by what streams in from the spirit. This is
symbolised by Solomon’s key and belongs to the Abel stream.

two triangles are a symbol of the Grail. The unification of fission and
– this will give man power over living things. It also points to the
or unification of man and Christ.
for this new social forces have to come into existence and for this man
awaken the power in himself so that he can use the living forces of the
in the social life. Such secrets will form the real content of the
degrees of a new Royal Art which will be a social art.
Then man will acquire control over Etheric
forces and will use them for the salvation of the social life. The Tau
is a
symbol of this. When it points down we see man has controlled mineral
When it points up we see that man is in control of the Etheric or plant
should represent a new power based on freedom and consisting in the
of new natural forces that are achieved by the power of selfless love.
But this
is happening already far too early without moral preparation. Genetic
is an early beginning. Unless scientists develop moral imaginations,
and actions so that a moral science will result this will lead to no
good end.
This knowledge
was passed to
Anthroposophy by the Rosicrucians Christian Rosecreutz
- who had been Hiram Abiff the builder of the Temple and founder of
In the fifteenth century the Rosicrucians added roses to the cross, the
knowledge of the moral development that must accompany such
advancements - the
purified man.

is how man must conduct a proper recasting of the molten sea. As once
physical mineral earth had to be conquered,
now man
has to raise his moral life higher in order to master the Etheric
nature of the
world, then the astral and finally the physcial.
is the Chymical wedding of Christian Rosecreutz
– the
secret of the rosy cross with seven roses stands for the development of
from Saturn to Vulcan. From physical body to Atma.
What we do now
in our soul is only the reflection of what man will achieve in the far
when further and more difficult sacrifices will be required.
- On Jupiter the sacrifice of ego consciousness in the
Astral body – thinking feeling and willing - will lead to higher
perception of spiritual things - redemption of Lucifer – Manas – Holy
Spirit – Whitsuntide experience.
- On Venus the sacrifice of ego consciousness in the
Etheric body – true the good and beautiful – Cosmic laws - will lead to
a higher perception of time – redemption of Ahriman –Venus – The Son –
new Easter experience.
- On Vulcan the Sacrifice of consciousness in physical
body- Gaseous, liquid and solid – Light Life Word – higher perception
of space – conquering of Asuras + expulsion of Sorath – unification
with the father – new Communion or Sacrament experience.
 Just as we depict Christ in the symbol so too shall man
be depicted
thus, man will have become a God.
This is the
destiny of the world. Those who know such things in advance and work
their realisation are working on the Temple
of humanity
- the new Royal art. The new Manichean
stream will work with other streams towards this future. We make small
today, but every step is worth taking because it leads us the
our goal. We create the forms of the future.
But for this to
become a reality we must unite the two streams in our selves our hearts
minds and in the outside world. The Cain and Abel,
Aristotlean and Platonist, kingly and
priestly, so that the
new, human Manu can incarnate and we can begin.
The enormous
importance of this should fill us to the core with awe and touch us
deeply. The
fact that we are living at a time when Anthroposophy has created a path
to Isis, through initiation so
that the two streams may unite in the name of Christ.
We are at the
beginning when so much in our world is in conflict, everything is
there is social and cultural chaos. But it is in the midst of this very
that the Cain and Abel streams that once separated humanity must come
to bring about a new ‘Gnosis’. Isis must be unveiled through human effort in the clear light
consciousness. Then shall it shall fire up our human hearts. And they
will pour
out the Etheric substance of love, the Christhood that has the power to
and transmute evil. How can war exist when all men agree on what is
true, good
and beautiful? How can war exist were men are working to understand one
another, to care and love one another? How can there be a war of all
all when it is all for one and one for all? The great catch-cry of the
musketeers must be our motto and this will come about when all men have
imaginations, moral intuitions and perform moral actions. Then it shall
possible to have a Three Fold Social Order in the world, where each
each individual is respected for the contribution it gives to the
world. It
cannot come unless enough people develop such qualities.
All the slogans to end war will not stop what
is coming. All is useless unless we are willing to sacrifice our lower
for the sake of others – even those who despise us. This is what must
come and
can only be achieved if the Cain stream works in brotherhood with the
stream. For Just as a Temple could not be built without the wisdom of
Abel and
the knowledge of Hiram, just as the Christ being could not descend into
sheaths that were not representative of the two streams. So a new Jerusalem cannot arise without the two and
the Holy
Grail, the transmutation of evil right down into the physical nature of
cannot be achieved and we shall have missed our destiny. Things will
have to
happen without our participation.
The time has
come for the dominant Cain stream to open up. It should not answer the
‘am I my brother’s keeper’, but instead ask the question ‘what ails
brother.’ This is what Manes the new human Manu gave to mankind as
The whole of
creation is waiting with baited breath for this. After all we have free
They wait to see what mankind will do. As
a celebrated initiate once said, “All creation groaneth
and travaileth in pain together, waiting
for the
Redemption of the state of childhood.”
There exists a
great White lodge of humanity in the etheric
around our earth. The great Initiates and higher spiritual beings will
mankind to create the forms today necessary for the new cosmos, the
cosmos of
love. We have but to ask. Just as the earth is now permeated by wisdom,
so will
the new Cosmos be permeated by love. The Anthroposophical movement is
for this, has the Anthroposophical society kept up the pace? I leave
question to you.
Paul of the Cain
stream foreshadowed the coming of Manu who would be able to work in the
because of Anthroposophy when he says in the first of the letters to Corinth,
“For we speak of
wisdom among the initiates, a wisdom not of
this aeon,
Not of the world
rulers of this eon who are passing away.
We speak a Theosophy in a
mystery, an Occult wisdom which God
Before the aeons.”
If the impulse
is not taken up the stream will have to look for other ways into the
world and
that will be a sad waste of good will and much human effort. Upon all
of us
here tonight who have come because we feel an affinity with this stream
lies the burden. The
burden of the martyrs
who have died so that we could finally come to be here tonight at this
point in
time. The Manicheans, the Cathars, the
Rosicrucians and Freemasons and many others. We stand upon their
How many of us
will take up the challenge for humanity? And find ourselves in the
of the ring?