part 1
medium silentium tenerent omnia et nox in suo cursu medium iter haberet
etc. (Sap.
1814). 'For while all things were in quiet silence and the
night was
in the midst of her course, etc.' Here in time we make holiday because
eternal birth which God the Father bore and bears unceasingly in
eternity is now
born in time, in human nature. St Augustine says this birth is always
But if it happens not in me what does it profit me? What matters is
that it
shall happen in me.
We intend therefore to speak
of this
birth as taking place in us: as being consummated in the virtuous soul;
for it
is the perfect soul that God speaks his Word. What I shall say is true
only of
the perfect man, of him who has walked and is still walking the way of
God; not
of the natural undisciplined man who is entirely remote from and
unconscious of
this birth.
There is a saying of the
wise man:
'When all things lay in the midst of silence then leapt there down into
me from
on high, from the royal throne, a secret word.' This sermon is about
this word.
Concerning it three things
are to be
noted. The first is where-abouts in the soul God the Father speaks his
where she is receptive of this act, where this birth befalls. It is
bound to be
in the purest, loftiest, subtlest part of the soul. Verily, an God the
Father in
his omnipotence had endowed the soul with a still nobler nature, had
received from him anything yet more exalted, then must the Father have
this birth for the presence of this greater excellence. The soul in
which this
birth shall come to pass must be absolutely pure and must live in
fashion, quite peaceful and wholly introverted: not running out through
the five
senses and into the manifoldness of creatures, but altogether within
harmonised in her summit. That is its place. Anything inferior is
disdained by
The second part of this
discourse has
to do with man's conduct in relation to this act, this interior
speaking, this
birth: whether it is more profitable to co-operate in it-- perhaps by
in the mind an imaginary image and disciplining oneself thereon by
that God is wise, omnipotent, eternal, or whatever else one is able to
excogitate about God -- so that the birth may come to pass in us
through our own
exertion and merit; or whether it is more profitable and conducive to
this birth
from the Father to shun all thoughts, words and deeds as well as all
images and empty oneself, maintaining a wholly God-receptive attitude,
such that
one's own self is idle letting God work. Which conduct subserves this
The third point is the
profit and how
great it is, which accrues from this birth.
Note in the first place that
in what
I am about to say I intend to avail myself of natural proof that ye
can grasp, for thought I put more fain in the scriptures than myself,
nevertheless it is easier and better for you to learn by means of
arguments that
can be verified.
First we will take the words
: 'In
the midst of the silence there was spoken in me a secret word.'
-- But, Sir, where is the
silence and
where the place in which the word is spoken?
As I said just now, it is in
purest part of the soul, in the noblest, in her ground, aye in the very
of the soul. That is mid-silence for thereinto no creature did ever
get, nor any
image, nor has the soul there either activity or understanding,
therefore she is
not aware of any image either of herself or any creature. What-ever the
effects she effects with her powers. When she understands she
understands with
her intellect. When she remembers she does so with her memory.
When she
loves she does so with her will. She works then with her powers and not
with her
essence. Now every exterior act is lined with some means. The power of
seeing is
brought into play only through the eyes; elsewhere she can neither do
nor bestow
such a thing as seeing. And so with all the other senses: their
operations are
always effected through some means or others. But there is no activity
in the
essence of the soul; the faculties she works with emanate from the
ground of the
essence but in her actual ground there is mid-stillness; here alone is
rest and
a habitation for this birth, this act, wherein God the Father speaks
his Word,
for it is intrinsically receptive of naught save the divine essence,
means. Here God enters the soul with his all, not merely with a part.
God enters
the ground of the soul. None can touch the ground of the soul but God
only. No
creature is admitted into her ground, it must stop outside in her
powers. There
it sees the image whereby it has been drawn in and found shelter. For
when the
soul-powers contact a creature they set to make of the creature an
image and
likeness which they absorb. By it they know the creature. Creatures
cannot go
into the soul, nor can the soul know anything about a creature which
she has not
willingly taken the image of into herself. She approaches creatures
their present images; an image being a thing that the soul creates with
powers. Be it a stone, a rose, a man, or anything else that she wants
to know
about, she gets out the image of it which she has already taken in and
is thus
enabled to unite herself with it. But an image received in this way
must of
necessity enter from without through the senses. Consequently there is
so unknown to the soul as herself. The soul, says a philosopher, can
create nor absorb an image of herself. So she has nothing to know
herself by.
Images all enter through the senses, hence she can have no image of
herself. She
knows other things but not herself. Of nothing does she know so little
as of
herself, owing to this arrangement. Now thou must know that inwardly
the soul is
free from means and images, that is why God can freely unite with her
form or similitude. Thou canst not but attribute to God without measure
power thou dost attribute to a master. The wiser and more powerful the
the more immediately is his work effected and the simpler it is. Man
many instruments for his external works; much preparation is needed ere
he can
bring them forth as he has imagined them. The sun and moon whose work
is to give
light, in their mastership perform this very swiftly: the instant their
is poured forth, all the ends of the world are full of light. More
exalted are
the angels, who need less means for their works and have fewer images.
highest Seraph has but a single image. He seizes as a unity all that
inferiors regard as manifold. Now God needs no image and has no image:
image, likeness or means does God work in the soul, aye, in her ground
no image did ever get but only himself with his own essence. This no
can do.
-- How does God the Father
give birth
to his Son in the soul: like creatures, in image and lilkeness?
No, by my faith! but just as
he gives
him birth in eternity and no otherwise.
-- Well, but how does he
give him
birth birth there?
See. God the Father has
insight into himself, profound and thorough knowledge of himself by
means of
himself, not by means of any image. And thus God the Father gives
birth to
his Son, in the very oneness of the divine nature. Mark, thus it is and
no other
way that God the Father gives birth to his Son in the ground and
essence of the
soul and thus he unites himself with her. Were any image present there
would not
be real union and in real union lies thy whole beatitude.
Now haply thou wilt say:
'But there
is nothing innate in the soul save images.' No, not so! If that were
true the
soul would never be happy, for God cannot make any creature wherein
thou canst
enjoy perfect happiness, else were God not the highest happiness and
final goal,
whereas it is his will and nature to be the alpha and omega of all. No
can be happiness. And here indeed can just as little be perfection, for
perfection (perfect virtue that is to say) results from perfection of
Therefore verily thou must sojourn and dwell in thy essence, in thy
ground, and
there God shall mix thee with his simple essence without the medium of
image. No image represents and signifies itself; it stands for that of
which it
is the image. Now seeing that thou hast no image save of what is
outside thee,
therefore it is impossible for thee to be beatified by any image
The second point is, what it
behove a man to do in order to deserve and procure this birth to come
to pass
and be consummated in him: is it better for him to do his part towards
it, to
imagine and think about God, or should he keep still in peace and quiet
so that
God can speak and act in him while he merely waits on God's operation?
At the
same time I repeat that this speaking, this act, is only for the good
perfect, those who have so absorbed and assimilated the essence of
virtue that
it emanates from them naturally, without their seeking; and above all
there must
live in them the worthy life and lofty teaching of our Lord Jesus
Such are permitted to know that the very best and utmost of attainment
in this
life is to remain still and let God act and speak in thee. When the
powers have
all been withdrawn from their bodily form and functions, then this Word
spoken. Thus he says: 'in the midst of the silence the secret word was
spoken to
me.' The more completely thou art able to in-draw thy faculties and
forget those
things and their images which thou has taken in, the more, that is to
say, thou
forgettest the creature, the nearer thou art to his and more
susceptible thou
art to it. If only thou couldst suddenly be altogether unaware of
things, aye,
couldst thou but pass into oblivion of thine own existence as St Paul
did when
he said: 'Whether in the body I know not, or out of the body I know
not, God
knoweth!' Here the spirit had so entirely absorbed the faculties that
it had
forgotten the body: memory no longer functioned, nor understanding, nor
senses, nor even those powers whose duty it is to given and grace the
those powers whose duty it is to given and grace the body; vital warmth
energy were arrested so that the body failed not throughout the three
during which he neither ate nor drank. Even so fared Moses when he
fasted forty
days on the mount and was none the worse for it: on the last day he was
strong as on the first. Thus a man must abscond from his senses, invert
faculties and lapse into oblivion of things and of himself. Anent which
philosopher apostrophised the soul: 'Withdraw from the restlessness of
activities!' And again: 'Flee away and hide thee from the turmoil of
occupations and inward thoughts for they create nothing but discord!'
If God is
to speak his Word in the soul she must be at rest and at peace; then he
in the soul his Word and himself: not image but himself. Dionysius
says: 'God
has no image nor likeness of himself seeing that he is intrinsically
all good,
truth and being.' God performs all his works, in himself and outside of
simultaneously. Do not fondly imagine that God, when he created the
heavens and
the earth and all creatures, made one thing one day and another the
next. Moses
describes it thus it is true, nevertheless he knew better: he did so
merely on
account of those who are incapable of understanding or conceiving
otherwise. All
God did was: he willed and they were. God works without instrument and
image. And the freer thou art from images the more receptive thou art
to his
interior operation; and the more introverted and oblivious thou art the
thou art thereto. Dionsyius exhorted his disciple Timothy in this sense
'Dear son Timothy, do thou with untroubled mind swing thyself up above
and above thy powers, above all modes and all existences, into the
still, darkness, that thou mayest attain to the knowledge of the
super-divine God.' All things must be forsaken. God scorns to work
Now haply thou wilt say:
'What is it
that God does without images in the ground and essence?' That I am
incapable of
knowing, for my soul-powers can receive only images; they have to
recognise and
lay hold of each thing in its appropriate image: they cannot recognise
a bird in
the image of a man. Now since images all enter from without, this is
from my soul, which is most salutary for her. Not-knowing makes her
wonder and
leads her to eager pursuit, for she knows clearly that it is
but knows
not how nor what it is. No sooner does a man know the
reason of a
thing than immediately he tires of it and goes casting about for
something new.
Always clamouring to know, he is ever inconstant. The soul is constant
only to
this unknowing knowing which keeps her pursuing.
The wise man said concerning
'In the middle of the night when all things were in quiet silence there
spoken to me a hidden word.' It came like a thief, by stealth. What doe
he mean
by a word that was hidden? The nature of a word is to reveal what is
hidden. It
appeared before me, shining out with intent to reveal and give me
knowledge of
God. Hence it is called a word. But what it was remained hidden from
me. That
was its stealthy coming 'in a whispering stillness to reveal itself.'
It is just
because it is hidden that one is and must be always after it. It
appears and
disappears: we are meant to yearn and sight for it.
St Paul says we ought to
pursue this
until we espy it and not stop until we grasp it. When he returned after
been caught up into the third heaven where God made nothing known to
him and
where he beheld all things, he had forgotten nothing, but it was so
deep down in
his ground that his intellect could not reach it: it was veiled from
him. He was
therefore obliged to pursue it and search for it in himself, not
himself. It is not outside, it is inside: wholly within. And being
convinced of
this he said, 'I am sure that neither death nor any affliction can
separate me
from what I find within me.'
There is a fine saying of
one heathen
philosopher to another about this, he says: 'I am aware of something in
me which
sparkles in my intelligence; I clearly perceive that it is
something but what I cannot grasp. Yet methinks if I could
only seize it I
should know all
truth.' To which the other philosopher replied: 'Follow it boldly! for
if thou
canst seize it thou wilt possess the sum-total of all good and have
life!' St Augustine expresses himself in the same sense: 'I am
conscious of
something within me that plays before my soul and is as a light dancing
in front
of it; were this brought to steadiness and perfection in me it would
surely be
eternal life!' It hides yet it shows. It comes, but after the manner of
a thief,
with intent to take and to steal all things from the soul. By emerging
showing itself somewhat it purposes to decoy the soul and draw it
towards itself
to rob it and take it from itself. As said the prophet: 'Lord take from
their spirit and give them instead thy spirit.' This too the loving
soul meant
when she said: 'My soul dissolved and melted away when Love spoke his
word: when
he entered I could not but fail.' And Christ signified it by his words:
'Whosoever shall leave aught for my sake shall be repaid an
hundredfold, and
whoever will possess me must deny himself and all things and whosoever
serve me must follow me nor go any more after his own.'
Now peradventure thou wilt
say: 'But,
Sir, you are wanting to change the natural course of the soul! It is
her nature
to take in through the senses, in images. Would you upset this
No! But how knowest thou
nobility God has bestowed on human nature, what perfections yet
aye yet undiscovered? Those who have written of the soul's nobility
have gone no
further than their natural intelligence could carry them: they never
entered her
ground, so that much remained obscure and unknown to them. 'I
will sit in
silence and hearken to what God speaketh within me,' said the
Into this retirement steals the Word in the darkness of the night. St
John says:
'The light shines in the darkness: it came unto its own and as many as
it became in authority sons of God: to them was given power to become
Mark now the fruit and use
of this
mysterious Word and of this darkness. In this gloom which is his own
heavenly Father's Son is not born alone: thou too art born there a
child of the
same heavenly Father and no other, and to thee also he gives power.
Observe how
great the use. No truth learned by any master by his own intellect and
understanding, or ever to be learned at this side the day of judgment,
has ever
been interpreted at all according to this knowledge, in this ground.
Call it an
thou wilt an ignorance, an unknowing, yet there is in it more than all
and understanding without it, for this outward ignorance lures and
attracts thee
from all understood things and from thyself. this is what Christ meant
when he
said: 'Whosoever denieth not himself and leaveth not father and more
and is not
estranged from all these, he is not worthy of me.' As though to say: he
abandons not creaturely externals can neither be conceived nor born in
divine birth. But divesting thyself of thyself of everything external
does indeed give it to thee. And in very truth I believe, nay I am
sure, that
the man who is established herein can in no wise be at any time
separated from
God. I hold he can in no wise lapse into mortal sin. He would rather
suffer the
most shameful death, as the saints have done before him, than commit
the least
of mortal sins. I hold that he cannot willingly commit, nor yet consent
to, even
a venial sin, whether in himself or in another. So strongly is he drawn
attracted to this way, so much is he habituated to it, that he could
never turn
to any other: to this way are directed all his senses, all his powers.
May the God who has been
born again
as man assist us in this birth, continually helping us, weak man, to be
again in him as God. Amen.
virtuous man does not want God. What I have I want not. He
makes no
plans, he sets no store by things. As God is higher than man so
he is
readier to give than man is to receive. Not by his fasts and
vigils and
his many outward works does a man prove his progress in the virtuous
life, but
it is a sure sign of his growth if he finds eternal things more and
attractive than the things that pass. The man who has a thousand
marks of
gold and gives it all away for the love of God is doing a fine thing;
yet I say,
it were far finer and far better for him to despise it, setting it at
naught on
God's account.
A man should orient his will
and all
his works to God and having only God in view go forward unafraid, not
am I right or am I wrong? One who worked out all the chances ere
his first fight would never fight at all. And if, going to some
place, we
must think how to set the front foot down we shall never get
there. It is
our duty to do the next thing: go straight on, that is the right way.
There are five kinds of
poverty. The first is devilish poverty; the second, golden
poverty; the
third is willing poverty; the fourth is spiritual poverty; the fifth,
The first, or devilish
applies to all who have not what they fain would have, outward or
inward. That
is their hell.
The second, golden poverty,
is theirs
who in the midst of goods and properties pass empty out and in. If
they own was burnt the effect on them would be to leave them quite
unmoved. Heaven must needs be theirs and they would have no less.
The third is willing poverty
belongs to those who, renouncing goods and honours, body and soul,
everything with right good grace. These give judgment with the
apostles and by pronouncing judgment it is their judgment day who,
knowing what
they leave, yet set another in their heart and mightily bestir
themselves about
their own departure. Such are the willing poor.
The fourth are spiritual
poor. These
have forsaken friends and kindred, not merely goods and honour, body
and soul;
further, they are quit of all good works: the eternal Word does all
their work
while they are idle and exempt from all activity. And since in
the eternal
Word is neither bad nor good, therefore they are absolutely emtpy.
The fifth are godly poor,
for God can
find no place in them to work in. Theirs is riddance without and
for they are bare and free from all contingent form. This is the man:
in this
man all men are one man and that man is Christ. Of him one master
'Earth was never worthy of this man who looks on heaven and earth the
same.' This man is object-free in time and in eternity.
Now enough of those who have
object in eternity, but one thing more of those who are objectless in
time. What is meant by object? There are two objects: one
otherness (not I): the other is a man's own proper self (his I).
The first otherness is
becoming, all that has come into existence; such things
breed otherness
and pass away.
This applies to the passage of time.
He who knows one matter in
all things
remains unmoved. For matter is the subject of form and there can
be no
matter without form nor form devoid of matter. Form without matter is
nothing at
all; but matter ever cleaves to form and is one undivided whole in
every single
part of it. Now since form in itself is naught, therefore it
nothing. And since matter is perfectly impartible, therefore it
unmoved. This man then is unmoved by form or matter and is
objectless in time.
Man's other object is to
possess his
proper self, to identify himself with all perfection, with the most
treasure his own aught: that is his quest. Now when a thing has
gotten its
own form, no more nor less, that thing is all its own and no one
He who conceives this really is perfect in the sense that he is wholly
objectless to eternity, etc.
No man can tell of God exactly what he is. According to St Dionysius, God is not anything
we can say
or think. St Augustine cries: 'I who have
ever been in God and ever
more shall be,
would sooner I had never been and never more should be than that we
found a
single word that we could say of God. Were we compelled to speak of
God, in that
case I should say: Verily, in no sense is God comprehensible not yet
attainable. God is what thought cannot
better.' Nay, I declare God beggars human
thought; he transcends
all human
conception. No man knows what God is. Aught that a man could or would think of God,
God is not
at all. It is the nature of the soul not
to be satisfied except
with God. But all the heart can desire is
small, is insignificant
compared with
God. Yet man's thought may never so
rich or so rare but his desire outstrips it. So
he transcends man's desire as well as transcending
man's thought.
St Dionysius says, God is naught. Meaning
that God is as incomprehensible as naught. St
Bernard says, I know not what God is; but what I know
not that he is
that same is he. A heathen
philosopher maintains that what we know of the First Cause is rather
what we are
ourselves than what is the First Cause. For
that passes understanding. And in
this strain the heathen doctor argues in his book, The Light of
Lights, that
God is supra-essential, super-rational, super-intelligible, i.e., beyond
the natural understanding. I speak
out of gracious understanding. By grace man may be carried to the
length of
understanding as St Paul understood who was caught up into the third
heaven and
saw unspeakable things. He saw, but
was not able to express them. For
what a man knows he knows in its cause or in its mode or in its effect. But in these respects God remains unknown, for
he is the
first. Further, he is modeless, i.e., undetermined. And he is without effect, that is, in his
stillness. Here he abides apart from the
names that are given him. Moses asked his
name. God answered, He-who-is hath sent
thee. Otherwise he could not tell it. God
as simply being, in that sense he could never give himself to be known
creatures. Not that he could not do
it, but creatures could not understand it. -- I have often laid it down
God's lordship does not lie merely in his lordship over creature; his
consists in his power to create a thousand worlds and dominate them all
in his
abstract essence. Therein lies his
lordship. Dionysius and Gregory
both teach that the divine being is not comprehensible in any sense:
not to any
wit nor any understanding, not even to angelic understanding. Its simplicity and triplicity is a thing not
to be grasped
by the human
mind even at its best, nor by the angelic mind even at its clearest. It was said by a philosopher that whoso knows
of God that
he is unknown,
that man knows God. For it is the
height of gnosis and perception to know and understand in agnosia and
a-perception. To know him really is
to know him as unknowable. As the
master puts it: If I must speak of God, then I will say, God is
something which
is in no sense to be reached or grasped; and I know nothing else about
him. According to St Augustine, what we
say about God is not
true; what we say
that God is he is not; what we say he is not that he is rather than
what we say
that he is. Nothing we can say of
God is true. God's worth and God's
perfection cannot be put into words. When I say man, I have in
my mind
human nature. When I say grey, I
have in my mind the greyness of grey. When
I say God, I have in my mind neither God's majesty nor his
perfection. Dionysius insists that the
more we can abstract from God
the better we
shall see him. God is such that we apprehend him better by negation
than by
affirmation. Hence the dictum of
one master that to argue about God from likeness is to argue falsely
about him,
but to argue by denials is to argue about him correctly.
Dionysius says, writing about God, He is super-essential,
is super-luminous; he attributes to him neither this nor that. For whatever he conceives, God far transcends
it. There is
no knowing him
by likeness. Rather by attributing unlikeness may we make some approach
understanding him. Take an
illustration. Supposing I describe
a ship to someone who has never seen one, then on looking at a stone he
plainly see that it is not a ship. And the plainer he sees that it is
ship-like, the more he will know about a ship. It
is the same with God. The
more we can impute to him not-likeness, the nearer do we get to
him. Holy Scripture yields us
merely privatives. That we should
credit God with matter, form and work is due to our gross senses. We
fail to
find God one because we try to come at him by likeness. Dionysius
cries, 'Friend
Timothy, if thou wouldst catch the spirit of truth pursue it not with
the human
senses. It is so swift, it comes rushing.' God
is to be sought in opposites; in unknowing knowing
shall we know God;
in forgetfulness of ourselves and all things even to the naked essence
of the
Godhead. Dionysius was exhorting
one of his disciples. 'Friend,' quoth he, 'cease from all activity and
thyself of self that thou mayst commune with the Sovran Good, God
Pray God we may seek him so that we shall find him nevermore to lose
him. Amen.
qui esuriunt et sitiunt justitiam (Matt. 56).
Just went up
a mountain to a valley, into a field, and power went out of him
preaching to the
multitude: 'Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness for
they shall be filled.'
Methinks this text is apt to
discourse. Blessed are they that hunger for righteousness and
endure work
and poverty here, for this is but a moment and will surely pass. They
blessed though not most blessed. Blessed are they that hunger not
to be
deprived of God, albeit the wonder is that man can be without him
without whom
he cannot be. St Augustine says it is amazing that anyone should
apart from him whom he cannot live at all. They are blessed and
yet not
most blessed. More blessed those who so hunger that they cannot live
God; that is a fiery affection which transforms their nature. The
while a
man yet finds in his desire or in his hope or his affection anything
impermanent, he is not most blessed. He is blessed but not most
Blessed, supremely blessed, are they who are installed in the eternal
transcending time and place and form and matter, unmoved by weal or woe
wealth or want, for in so far as things are motionless they are like
[The heaven adjoining the
now, wherein the angels are, is motionless, immovable. But the
heaven next
to that which touches the eternal now, wherein angels are, and betwixt
and) the heaven where the sun is, is set in motion by angelic force,
once in every hundred years. The heaven the sun is in, moved by
force, goes round once a year. The heaven the moon is in, again, is
driven by
angelic force and goes round once a month. The nearer the eternal now
the more
immoveable they are, and the further off and more unlike to the eternal
now the
easier to move. The heaven of the sun and moon and stars is moved
by the
impulse of their angel, so that they are spinning in this temporal now;
and the
eternal now imparts their motion, that being so energetic that from the
of the eternal now imparts, all things derive their life and being. Now
lowest powers of the soul are nobler than the highest part of heaven,
where it
adjoins life and being from the motion there imparted by the eternal
now; and if
that is so noble, then what would ye expect where the soul in her
powers contacts the ground of God? How exalted, thin ye, that must be?
-- Follow
then after this now, and reach this now and possess this eternal
now. May
we stand next the eternal now and so be in possession of it. So
help us O
divine power.]
[One master says: Grace
springs from
the heart of the Father and flows into his Son and in the oneness of
them twain
it proceeds from the Wisdom of the Son into the Gift of the Holy Ghost
and in
the Holy Ghost is sent into the soul. Grace is the face of God which is
stamped in the soul without any means by the Spirit of God, giving the
soul the
form of God. St Dionysius says: The angels are the divine mind.
Moreover St Paul
declares concerning those who live the angelic life here in the flesh,
that into
them there flows the mind of God as it does into the angels. He also
says the
intellectual light, God namely, has given likeness to the rational
soul. Quoth
St Paul: He who cleaves unto God with his whole being becomes one
spirit with
God. So help us God. Amen.]
hominem ad imaginem et similitudienem nostram (Gen 126).
God said, 'Let us make man in our image.' What is God's speaking? The
observing himself with impartible perception perceives the impartible
purity of
his own essence. There he sees the image of creatures as a whole, there
speaks himself. His Word is his clear perception and that is his Son.
speaking is his begetting.
God said, 'Let us make.'
ask: Why did not God us, 'Let us do,' or 'Let us work?' Doing is an
outward act
beseeming not the inward man. Work comes from the outward man and from
inward man, but the innermost man takes no part in it. In making a
thing the
very innermost self of a man comes into outwardness.
When God made man the
innermost heart
of the Godhead was concerned in his making. A heathen philosopher
God made all things with wisdom. The Doctor says, 'The Son is the
wisdom or love
of the Father wherewith he made all things.'
God said, 'Let us make
Why did not God say, 'Let us make manhood,' for it was manhood that
Christ took?
Man and manhood differ. Talking of man we mean a person; talking of
manhood we
mean human nature. Philosophers define what nature is. It
is the
thing that essence can receive. Hence God assumed manhood and not
man. It is written in the book of Moses, Adam was the first man
that God
ever made. And I say that Christ was the first man God made. How so?
philosopher says, what is the first in intention is the last in
execution. When
a carpenter builds a house his first intention is the roof and that is
finish of the house.
God said, 'Let us make
man.' Whereby he gave it to be understood that he is more than one:
three in
Persons, one in essence. St Augustine relates that when he was looking
for the
image in the soul he sought it in the outward man, and there he found
likenesses and three links and two face. He found nothing of the
Then he hunted for it in the inner man, and there he found one thing
answered to the simple essence in its simplicity and to the various
Persons in
its trinity of powers. He found two faces to it. One working downwards
and the
other upwards. With the lower face she knows herself and outward
things. The upper face has two activities; with one she knows God
and his
goodness and his emanation; with this she loves and knows him to-day
and not
to-morrow. Now the image will not lie in her three powers, by reason of
instability. Another power is in the highest face, which is concealed;
in this
concealment lies the image.
The image has five
properties. First,
it is made by another. Secondly, it answers to the same. Thirdly, it
emanated from it; not that it is the divine nature but it is a
subsisting in itself; it is the pure light that emanates from God and
differs from him in understanding God. Fifthly, it tends towards what
it came
from. Two things adorn this image. One is, it is according to
him; the
other, there is somewhat of eternity therein. The soul has three
powers: the
image does not lie in them; but she has one power: the actual (or
Now St Augustine and the New
Philosophers declare that in this lies impartible memory, intellect and
and these three are inseparate, i.e., the hidden image answers
to God's
essence. The divine being (God) is shining straight into this image,
and the
image shines straight into God with nothing between.
May God come into us and we
into him
and be united with him, So help us God. Amen.